Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Veterinary Medicine http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="https://www.snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm"><img style="float: left; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 20px;" src="/public/site/images/snaubulojsadmin/vm.png"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2708-3799" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-3799</a>, <strong>e-ISSN:</strong> <a href="https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2708-3802" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-3802</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific articles and reviews on veterinary medicine, quality and safety of livestock products.<br><strong>Topics</strong>: innovations in veterinary medicine, biosafety and biosecurity; veterinary pathology and morphology; clinical and laboratory diagnostics; biotechnology; veterinary pharmacology and toxicology; veterinary virology, microbiology and immunology; epizootiology and infectious diseases; parasitology; hygiene and sanitation; internal non-communicable diseases and clinical biochemistry; veterinary-sanitary examination, quality and safety of livestock products.</p> en-US golysheva@gmail.com (Ievgeniia Golysheva) Fri, 03 Jan 2025 14:45:39 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 THE ROLE OF ORGANIC COMPLEXES OF COPPER, MANGANESE, ZINC IN INCREASING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF CHICKENS http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1210 <p>The concentrations of copper and manganese in the ingredients used in broiler feed are low and usually insufficient to meet nutritional requirements. Inorganic mineral sources such as sulfates and oxides are widely used due to their high commercial availability and low cost. However, sulfates are known to have low bioavailability due to their high aqueous solubility and antagonistic interactions with other minerals and nutrients in the diet. This study is devoted to determining the effect of chelated metals on the performance of chickens. Among the research methods used were abstraction, analysis and synthesis, modeling, as well as methods of empirical research, in particular, poultry observation and comparison of results, measurement of indicators, experiment. Within the framework of the conducted research, no significant differences were recorded in the feed consumption of poultry of the control and experimental groups during the first seven days. On the eighth day, the poultry, which was on the control diet with included microelements Zn, Mn, Cu in small quantities, began to decrease the level of feed consumption, which subsequently led to a decrease in body growth indicators, that is, symptoms of microelement deficiency appeared. Live weight gain and feed conversion ratio were positively affected by organic supplements, however, no significant difference (P &gt; 0.05) was found in body weight gain between organic micronutrients and inorganic control. In the medium organic diet, the feed conversion ratio (P &lt; 0.01) was higher than in the control diet due to relatively lower feed intake. In the conditions of providing a highly organic diet, no additional data were obtained regarding live weight gain and feed conversion ratio. As for the excretion of trace elements, the excretion of Zn, Mn, Cu had a tendency to increase (P &lt;0.001) in accordance with the increase in the consumption of the above-mentioned trace elements. Poultry fed a medium organic diet had lower (P &lt; 0.001) trace element excretion compared to poultry fed a high organic diet. The results of the study showed that a supplement of 4 mg of Cu and 40 mg of Mn and Zn from organic sources may be sufficient for normal growth of poultry in a twenty-day period. The use of several times less amount of organic microelements in poultry diets will avoid a high level of excretion of microelements into the environment.</p> R. O. Borkovskyi, A. V. Berezovsky Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1210 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM OF DRONES UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF CONTAMINATION WITH THE AMERICAN ROT (PAENIBACILLUS LARVAE) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1211 <p>The developmental anatomy and histological studies of the reproductive system of both insects in general and honey bee drones in particular have been fairly well documented by earlier scientists. It is known that the reproductive system was described by the scientist Jan Swammerdam in his own posthumous publication back in the 18th century, where it was written that the reproductive organs consist of paired gonads, conducting ducts and tubules, some additional gonads and the endophallus itself. Scientists such as Zander, Bishop, and Snodgress described the anatomical feature of the development of drone testes at the larval stage and their histological structure, and in 2020, the scientist Lago described a more detailed atlas according to the process of spermatogenesis and the actual development of drone testes before they emerge from cells It should be noted that the functional units of the testes of drones are actually the tubules of the testicles, they are also called testicular follicles or even spermatozoa. It is known that actually hundreds of tubules enter the vas deferens through anatomically located individual seminiferous tubules, which in turn pass together with the basilar tubule and pass to the apical tubule, actually to the periphery of the testicle. But the study of normal histology does not give a complete picture of the development of the drone's reproductive system. As a rule, they are not sufficiently well described in literary sources. It should be noted that the influence of various types of bee diseases on the development of the reproductive system of the drone is not described in the literature. The article describes the main phases of changes in tissues during puberty under conditions of contamination with American rot. Histological changes of the testicle during maturation are characterized by the following main consecutive phases: the first phase is characterized by the completion of spermiogenesis, the second phase is the exit of spermatozoa into the lumen of the tubes, the next third phase shows the corresponding progressive atrophy of follicular cells and the last phase itself – complete atrophy and, accordingly, collapse. Tubular changes occur in a basilar to apical direction, with segments closer to the vas deferens being histologically more mature than the corresponding apical segments. In addition, it should be noted that the peculiar rate of development of maturation of reproductive organs can change with seasonal progression. This study of the progressive atrophy of the reproductive system of the drone can be useful for future breeders, as the histological study shows the result of contamination with the causative agent of rotting disease, which actually has negative results and can affect the breeding performance of the bee colony.</p> D. О. Kisil Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1211 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 MODERN ASPECTS IN COW REPRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1212 <p>Today, successful management of dairy farming requires a well-thought-out organization of veterinary services, ensuring a rhythmic process of reproduction and solving an extremely complex problem: simultaneously with increasing milk productivity, ensuring high reproductive capacity, extending the period of intensive use of cows. Modern cow reproduction technologies are aimed at increasing the productivity and fertility of cattle to ensure high efficiency of animal husbandry. The main directions of innovation in this area are biotechnological methods of reproduction, such as artificial insemination, ovulation induction and genetic selection. Special attention is paid to hormonal methods of controlling the reproductive cycle, which allows to optimize the timing of insemination and increase the percentage of fertilization. Research is also being conducted on the influence of housing conditions, balanced nutrition and reduction of stress factors on the reproductive health of cows. Synchronization programs have become standard components of current breeding cow management in dairy herds in most dairy industries. Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination continue to be major impact technologies for cattle producers in terms of genetic improvement, reproductive management, and animal reproductive and productive performance. Only compliance with all aspects of synchronization of sexual drive, ovulation and insemination of cows makes it possible to constantly obtain up to 50% fertilization for cows and up to 70% for heifers, which will ensure the successful management of the economy of the dairy farm due to the elimination of wasted resources on infertile cows and timely receipt of newborn heifers to repair the herd. Synchronization also helps to identify problems with reproductive health (endometritis, ovarian cysts) and take timely measures to solve them, which helps to reduce the percentage of animal culling due to infertility. Therefore, the synchronization of heat and ovulation allows to use the potential of the herd as effectively as possible, improving the reproductive efficiency, profitability and productivity of the farm. This ensures not only the stability of milk production, but also the optimization of the use of resources and labor.</p> N. Ye. Kovalenko, Yu. V. Musiienko Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1212 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 DETERMINATION OF HEMATOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PARАMETERS OF BLOOD IN RABBITS SICK OF PASTEURELLOSIS http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1213 <p>Pasteurellosis is a disease of rabbits characterized by rhinitis, pneumonia, orchitis, otitis media, septicemia and abscess formation. Sometimes P. multocida infection can be asymptomatic. Hematological and biochemical analysis of blood serum, analysis of inflammatory cytokines, immunological and histopathological analyzes were performed. The results showed that rabbits infected with P. multocida type B had macrocytic hypochromic anemia and leukocytosis with a significant increase in the percentage and index of phagocytic activity. Thus, the number of erythrocytes increased by 19.51%, hemoglobin concentration by 24.42%, in rabbits infected with P. multocida, compared to the control. In addition, an increase (p &lt;0.05) of leukocytes, neutrophils by 160.30% and monocytes by 88.46% was observed. A decrease (p &lt;0.05) in the number of lymphocytes by 32.71% and minor changes in the number of eosinophils by 38.46% were noted. Increase of phagocytic activity by 26.79% and phagocytic index by 55.88% in sick rabbits. Infected rabbits showed a significant decrease in total protein, albumin, globulin and immunoglobulin (IgG and IgM) serum levels. Thus, the content of total protein was lower in sick rabbits by 36.28%. At the same time, the amount of albumin was lower by 37.34%, and globulins by 31.97%, compared to healthy rabbits. The level of serum immunoglobulins showed a significant decrease (p &lt;0.05) of IgG by 17.86% and IgM by 46.92%, compared to sick rabbits. The content of the inflammatory cytokine – interleukin was higher by 44.57% in the blood serum of patients with rabbit pasteurellosis. In addition, a significant increase in serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and bilirubin (total, direct, and indirect) was observed in sick rabbits. Serum alanine transferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (AL) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were significantly increased (p &lt; 0.05) in the P. multocida-infected group compared to controls. Thus, the level of ALT increased by 40.93%, LF – by 87.78%, LDH – by 79.99% was higher in rabbits with pasteurellosis.</p> V. A. Levitska Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1213 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ERYTHROCYTES AND HEMOGLOBIN OF POULTRY BLOOD (OVERVIEW) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1214 <p>The review study is devoted to the study of the characteristics of erythrocytes in different types of poultry: chickens, turkeys, geese, and quails. An analysis of various scientific works of many domestic and foreign authors devoted to the morphological and functional characteristics of erythrocytes, such as the number, size, and content of hemoglobin, is provided. In the blood of birds, vital processes take place, such as the transport of oxygen and nutrients, the provision of immune protection and the maintenance of homeostasis, which are critically important for their intensive metabolism. In the conditions of industrial breeding, where birds are exposed to high loads, the blood test helps to monitor the physiological state and productivity. One of the distinguishing features of the circulatory system of birds is the presence of a nucleus in erythrocytes, which distinguishes them from similar mammalian cells and promotes higher metabolic activity. This work focuses on the analysis and summarization of various scientific works of many domestic and foreign authors, and the unification of the data provided by them, the review is focused on the topic of comparison of erythrocytes of chickens, turkeys, geese and quails, analyzing their morphological and quantitative indicators according to different authors. The results of the data analysis show that geese have the largest size of erythrocytes and the largest amount of hemoglobin, which helps to ensure their need for oxygen during prolonged exercise. Quail, on the other hand, have smaller cells and a lower hemoglobin content, which corresponds to their moderate energy needs. Chickens and turkeys are characterized by intermediate indicators that provide their physiological needs. The study of erythrocytes of different types of poultry is an important diagnostic tool for assessing their health and adaptation to environmental conditions. Further research in this area will allow for the development of more effective strategies for maintaining and increasing the productivity of poultry. In the work, a comparative analysis of the obtained data was carried out and conclusions were drawn about the influence of the size of the bird, its metabolic activity and conditions of keeping on the composition of the blood. The results of the research can be useful for veterinary medicine and poultry farming, allowing to optimize the conditions of poultry keeping.</p> Ye. М. Livoshchenko, V. V. Pavlovskyi Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1214 Fri, 03 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 MONITORING OF RESEARCH ON BOVINE SPONGIOFORM ENCEPHALOPATHY IN THE CONDITION OF THE VINNYTSIA REGIONAL STATE LABORATORY OF SSUFSCP http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1215 <p>Ukraine is included in the third category of countries that have an official status according to the BSЕ – a country with an uncertain risk. This is the main reason for the impossibility of exporting red meat to EU countries. The state is working on obtaining the status of a country with a controlled risk for BSЕ, which will allow Ukraine to trade ruminants of certain age categories and products obtained from them. The official components of obtaining the status are legislation and an annual risk assessment, which includes observation and monitoring. Post-mortem material (oblong brain) from cattle older than 24 months, obtained in 2021-2023, was used for research and frozen for storage. Monitoring studies of cattle older than 36 months on GE in the case of slaughter under normal conditions requires receiving at least 300,000 points in 7 years – respectively for a country with an uncertain status regarding GE, namely Ukraine. Livestock arrived for slaughter in Vinnytsia from various regions of Ukraine for three years and were examined in the conditions of the Vinnytsia Regional State Laboratory of the SSUFSCP. Prion tests approved by the European Union and recommended by the International Epizootic Bureau are used for monitoring studies as quick methods for identifying patients with BSЕ. A study was conducted on BSE in the case of slaughter under normal conditions in the Vinnytsia Regional State Laboratory of SSUFSCP for the past three years of samples of material from 22562 animals, as a result 3104 points were obtained, of which the largest number was from animals of the Vinnytsia region 1147 points (37%), slightly less 745 points (24%) from animals of the Cherkasy region, 512 points (17%) from other regions except Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi and Zhytomyr regions.</p> O. R. Paladiychuk Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1215 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 MORPHOFUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF COMMON PIKE ESOX LUCIUS http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1216 <p>Esox Lucius pike primarily belongs to the kingdom of creatures, the chordova type, the pike-like series, the homeland of the pike, the pike type, and the species is the original pike. When investigating pike and fish in general, the utmost respect is paid to the external outline of this individual. To outline the body of the pike, they were initially washed with a trimmer vimir in order to visually detect the development of the anatomical storage areas of the three distinct planes. Pike is primarily a river fish, its body shape is arrow-like, drawn out, which helps the fish to collapse quickly, or to stand in the middle of the hunt. The length of a pike can reach up to one and a half meters, and the weight up to thirty kilograms. On the body of the pike there is a section of the head, a vest, a swimmer and a tail. These are the main anatomical warehouses and differentiate different types of fish. The color of the pike is dark gray with a silvery tint. Along the entire body, the skin of the pike is covered with a brush, go to the head plot, to the bottom plot, the winter cap in oblique rows, going one after another, the back is dark below the belly, and along the body you can see light spots of varying sizes Rotated along the sides of the body and across the body. The part of the pike's head is large, occupies about one third of the entire head, is flattened, flattened dorsoventrally, begins with the mouth opening. The pike is a good breeding pair and unpaired swimmers. Unpaired swimmers are dorsal, anal and caudal. The tail is divided into two parts, and there is a flattened surface. At the great head of the pike, their mouths, nose openings, and eyes are opening. The opening of the pike's head begins orally with a large oral opening, which extends right up to the front edge of the eye. The mouth opening has two slits, upper and lower, which form a mouth that reaches the rostral edge of the eyes. The mandible protrudes slightly forward and extends beyond the upper cleft. On the upper bone there is an aboral fold of the skin, which connects to the skull and encloses the side walls of the mouth, which is similar to the way of life of pikes. The eyeballs of the pike are spread dorsolaterally on the front of the head, have a spherical shape, but do not form sideways. The opening of the iris is large and has a round shape. Along the edges of the eye there is a fold of the skin, which is joined to the rostral wall of the eye. The winter plot is aborally grown and covered with a winter cover. From its rear edge there is a wide fold of skin stretching to the lower slit and what is called a winter weave. At once, the stench will surround the winter gap, or open it, which will connect one with one of the right and left sides. Rostrally in front of the eyes is the entrance to the nasal cavity. They are represented by two pairs of nostrils of different shapes, the nasal one is in the shape of a circle, and the aboral one is in the shape of an interchange. Directly below these openings, the empty space in the yak through the nostrils drains water when the pike collapses, thus changing the water in the sniffing capsule. The empty mouth begins with a large oral gap, which is surrounded by indestructible lips. The empty mouth will end with a pharynx. Like the organs of the head intestine, teeth and tongue are clearly visible here. The shape of the teeth is cone-shaped, the larger teeth of the pike are located on the lower slit. On the upper slit and on the lower palate, the stench is fractional and numerical.</p> L. V. Plyuta Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1216 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 DETERMINATION OF THE EFFECT OF A POVIDONE-IODINE-BASED PREPARATION ON THE QUALITY OF PRODUCTS OBTAINED FROM BROILERS AND LAYING HENS http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1217 <p>The Chernihiv and Sumy oblasts, are regions with endemic iodine deficiency. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement poultry feed with iodine, manganese and zinc. The aim of the study was to quantify iodine accumulation in broiler meat, table eggs and liver of laying hens using a stable concentrated iodine preparation instead of conventional potassium iodide. The research was conducted in the educational and scientific laboratory «Innovative Technologies and Food Safety and Quality» at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Sumy NAU and in the field at the broiler farm «Putivlsky Broiler» and the egg farm «Sumytechnokorm», Sumy Region. The study used pre-sexed day-old chicks, which were divided into three groups of 100 individuals (50 males and 50 females) and raised together until 42 days of age. The control group received standard feed. The drug was diluted in drinking water immediately before use and administered orally at a dose of 0.02 ml per 1 kg of body weight, or 200 ml of the drug per 1000 l of water, which corresponds to 4 mg of povidone-iodine and 24 μg of sodium selenite. The course of 7 days was carried out assuming that the pH level of drinking water was at least 6-7. The addition of povidone – iodine (polyvinylpyrrolidone iodide) to drinking water is a complex of iodine with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), which has a bactericidal effect on gram – positive and gram – negative bacteria, sporocidal and antiprotozoal effects (200 ml of the product per 1000 litres of drinking water), increased the iodine content of broiler meat by an average of 15 and 75 %, respectively, compared to the control group that did not receive the product. Eggs from laying hens given drinking water with povidone – iodine contained 25 and 95 % more iodine than eggs from laying hens in the control group. It was also found that administration of the drug to laying hens increased the iodine content of the hens' livers by 12,5 – 25 %. Iodine – enriched poultry meat and eggs can be recommended to the population as a functional food.</p> T. I. Fotina, L. V. Varenyk Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1217 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200 ZOONOTIC DISEASES OF FISH, PREVENTION AND FIGHT AGAINST THEM http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1218 <p>The intensive development of industrial, recreational fishing, aquaculture and the increased demand for fish and fish products creates increased risks for the occurrence of diseases common to humans and fish. This article contains data on the main zoonoses that humans can contract from fish. Among the pathogens associated with fish, the most important infectious agents are parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. Food poisoning caused by consumption of fish and fish products should also not be dismissed. Recently, zoonoses have caused great concern among doctors of veterinary and humane medicine, since, in addition to reducing fish productivity, fish deaths, and financial losses, the specified pathogens of fish zoonoses cause disease in humans, and sometimes even death. Infection of people can occur in various ways, namely by contact, contact with the pathogen on damaged skin, consumption of undercooked fish products containing the pathogen, human infection through the vector is also possible. Traditional dishes with the addition of fish without proper heat treatment, such as sushi and sashimi, pose a particular danger for consumers. Specialists who have direct contact with fish or fish products, or waste from the fishing industry in the field of their professional activity are also at risk. These are fishermen, employees of fish processing plants, veterinarians, employees of public catering establishments, as well as aquarists. Effective and quick delivery of information about causative agents and methods of prevention for workers in the specified spheres of activity can significantly prevent the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases. When developing measures to combat zoonotic diseases, it is important to use the principles outlined in the "One Health" concept. Today, it is promising and necessary to study the full range of carriers of pathogens, their geographical distribution, as well as the consequences of seasonality for the spread of infection. In addition, a clearer understanding of the morphological identification of pathogens needs to be established to better understand their occurrence in the environment and improve our knowledge in the food industry, biosecurity and medical practice.</p> T.I. Fotina, R.V. Petrov, O. I. Shkromada, P. G. Bondarenko Copyright (c) http://snaubulletin.com.ua/index.php/vm/article/view/1218 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0200