Quercus petraea (or sessile oak) is a typical representative of the flora of the mountainous regions of Central Europe. The e astern limit of the area of the rock oak, in particular within the borders of Ukraine, is not clearly traced. The results of our own long-term research on the distribution of the sessile oak in the Rivne region are presented in this work. In fact, this is the eastern border of the range (southern Rivne region). We used the forestry and taxation method during the establishment of a trial area, as well as silviculture - during the survey of the natural renewal of rock oak, selection – during the study of the selection and genetic resource on the objects of the permanent forest seed base, and soil science methods. We evaluated the genetic resources of the oak primeval forest of Mosty Forestry, we also studied the features and proposed ways to optimize the processes of natural and artificial regeneration. Proposals were formulated regarding ways to expand the area of oak forests. These areas can be increased on the territory of Mosty Forestry in the future to 4.000 hectares. This oak tract is currently a solid massif with an area of 210 hectares and it is adjacent to the Ostroh passing valley. Fresh silver hornbeam with sessile oak is located on elevated remains. Normal plantations of this species are actually found here. The tops of the remains are covered by 1–3-meter deposits of Neogene oolites limestones of the Sarmatian Sea. Limestones, in turn, are covered with sand and sandy sediments from the bottom of the valley. We determined the agrochemical and physicochemical characteristics of the sod-slightly podzolic soil samples in the surveyed area. It is a medium-underlying eluvium of hard carbonate rocks (oolites limestones) under an age-old oak forest. The soil erosion present here promotes the growth of sessile oak and its hybrid forms with pedunculate oak. We determined the share of sessile oak (82%) and its hybrids (18%) in the stand based on external characteristics (by the shape of the trunk bark). The result of the study is also the tax indicators of this area and the distribution of the sessile oak sample by trunk diameter. The high-quality plantations in the area of the Mosty Forestry surveyed by us are a genetic reserve of sessile oak with several dozen "plus trees".
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