Keywords: water, river, ecological condition, excess, environmental protection measures, nitrates, nitrites.


It is highlighted that in modern conditions, the surface waters of land are subject to significant anthropogenic influence, as a result of which their natural state is significantly changed and the possibility of using certain water bodies for economic and drinking needs is significantly limited. Since the drinking water supply of Ukraine is carried out mainly at the expense of surface water, objective information about the condition of water bodies, established on the basis of hygienic and ecological criteria, becomes extremely important and relevant. It was established that the influence of the economic and household activities of the village of Kolyukhiv, Vinnytsia region, on the pollution of the South Bug River within its borders is determined by the influx of nitrogenous substances, which lead to an increase in the concentration of ammonium nitrogen, nitrites and nitrates. The source of nitrogen input to the river water is surface runoff washing and the development of soil erosion processes from the adjacent shorelines, which are used for homestead farming and gardening. As a result of the research, it was found that in a sample of water taken from the South Bug River within the village of Kolyukhiv, Vinnytsia region, 1 km upstream in the forest plantation zone, the hydrogen pH is 7.8, the ammonium nitrogen content is 0.3 mg/l nitrite concentration – 2.7 mg/l, nitrate content – 39.6 mg/l, calcium content – 86.0 mg/l, chloride – 147.4 mg/l, and in the selected water sample 1 km downstream in the zone of intensive farming (homesteads), the hydrogen pH was 8.4, the content of ammonium nitrogen was 0.8 mg/l, the concentration of nitrites was 3.7 mg/l, the concentration of nitrates was 69.3 mg/l, the content calcium – 96.6 mg/l, chlorides – 164.2 mg/l. The main way to limit the flow of nitrogenous substances into the river is to observe sanitary protection zones along the river's perimeter. The sanitary and protective zone of the South Bug River should be 100 m, and in fact it is 10 m within the village. Therefore, the main measure is the expansion of the sanitary and protective zone to 100 m and its observance, which will allow reducing the content of ammonium nitrogen in the river water by 62% , nitrates – by 27%, nitrites – by 48%.


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How to Cite
Alieksieiev, O. O., Vradii, O. I., & Vradii, O. V. (2024). HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDROCHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF WATER STATUS OF THE SOUTHERN BUG RIVER WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF VINNICHCHINA. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 55(1), 3-10. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2024.1.1