Keywords: binary sowings, quantitative indicators, legumes, miscanthus giganteus, yield, biomass.


Obtaining biomass as an alternative source of energy to meet the energy needs of territorial communities is an urgent issue today. After all, biomass plants are the most accessible and annually renewable energy resource. The aim of the research was to study the influence of the cultivation with legumes on the biomass yield of Miscanthus giganteus as a raw material for biofuel production. The field research was carried out in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during the period of 2021-2022 using the methodology of experimental agronomy. The experiment scheme combined of randomized placement of variants (cultivation methods of miscanthus giganteus): variant 1 – mono-species sowings of miscanthus (control), variant 2 – growing of miscanthus with perennial lupine (Lupinus perennis L.), variant 3 – growing of miscanthus in combination with alfalfa (Medicago falcata L.), variant 4 – growing of miscanthus in combination with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). The material for the research was miscanthus variety of Huliver. The quantitative indicators of plants were determined in accordance with the approved methodology, and the biomass yield was determined by the weight method. Correlations between the indicators were established on the basis of correlation and regression analysis; methods of analysis of variance were also used to assess significant differences between the variants. The quantitative indicators of miscanthus giganteus plants were found to vary significantly depending on the cultivation methods. The highest yield of dry biomass over the years of research (17.3 t/ha) was obtained in the variants of joint cultivation with lupine, significantly less – when the crop was grown with alfalfa and clover. A significant influence of quantitative indicators was determined: by the correlation coefficient (r ˃ 0.7) on the yield of miscanthus biomass. In binary plantations, the yield biomass of miscanthus giganteus is formed due to the height and density of the stem (r ˃ 0.7), the average length of the leaf and their number on the stem have less influence (r ˃ 0.31-0.69). The biomass produced can be used for biofuel production.


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How to Cite
Kulyk, M. I., Rozhko, I. I., & Zhukova, V. M. (2024). INFLUENCE OF GROWING METHOD AND QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS OF PLANTS ON THE BIOMASS YIELD OF GIANT MISCANTUS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 55(1), 94-100.