The article presents the results of studies of the biochemical and fatty acid composition of amaranth seeds depending on the variety and fertilisation system. The field research was conducted on the territory of the Botanical Garden of Polissia National University (Zhytomyr), during 2021-2023. Three varieties of amaranth were studied: Sterkh, Kremovyi rannii and Helios. Experimental variants: without fertilizer (control), rate of fertilizer – N60P60K60. Mineral fertilizers were applied in the form of ammonium nitrate – 34.4 %, potassium magnesium – 40.2 %, and simple granular superphosphate – 18.4 %. The seeds of all amaranth varieties formed a high protein content (13.3 – 16.7%). The protein content varied significantly depending on the variety. Thus, the highest protein content was observed in the variety of Kremovyi rannii – 16.7 % with the rate of mineral fertilizer application of N60P60K60. The study of protein content in amaranth grain shows that this indicator varied depending on the variety and fertilization system. Thus, the best protein content was observed in the Sterkh variety – 15.5%, in the variant with the rate of mineral fertiliser application of N60P60K60, and 15.4% in the control. Protein content in the seeds of other varieties was significantly lower compared to the variety of Sterkh – 13.9 – 14.6 %. The analysis of fibre content data showed that the most significant increase was observed in the Sterkh variety. The maximum value of fibre in amaranth seeds was observed in the variant without mineral fertilizer application – 2.8 %. It was found in laboratory studies to determine the fatty acid composition that fatty acids in amaranth seeds contained the most linoleic acid – 39.93 – 53.03 %, while behenic acid, on the contrary, showed the lowest values – 0.13 %. The highest levels of palmitic and stearic acids were observed in the variety of Helios – 20.05% and 4.13%, respectively. The content of oleic acid in amaranth varieties ranged from 22.42 % to 34.54 %. The lowest content of palmitoleic acid was in all varieties of amaranth seeds – 0.09 – 0.29 %. According to the content of fatty acids in the seeds, the variety Kremovyi rannii had the best performance compared to other studied amaranth varieties.
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