Biodiversity protection is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Implementation of environmental protection measures aimed at preserving biodiversity is complicated and often impossible in the context of military operations. The purpose of the article is to systematise and analyse information on the sozological value of natural complexes and biodiversity of the territories of the nature reserve fund (NRF). Sumy region, which are located within the two-kilometre border strip and are not NRF institutions, and to identify priority areas of environmental protection activities for them under martial law. The results of the analysis showed that within the territory selected for the study there are two landscape reserves of national importance (Shalyhinsky and Seredneseimsky), six reserves of local importance (one landscape, one botanical, two hydrological and two general zoological) and one protected tract (Lomlenka). It has been established that all nine protected areas covered by the study are centres of conservation of rare biodiversity of international level: there are species of animals included in the Berne Convention. The largest number of such species is recorded in the Sredneseimsky (114 species) and Miropilsky (79 species) reserves. Species of flora and fauna protected at the state level are absent only in the Oleksandriyskyi reserve. Within the eight territories (except for the Lomlenka reserve), there are species subject to protection at the regional level. The total number of plant species included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine found within the study areas is 15. The total number of animal species included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine is higher than that of plants and reaches 28. At the same time, the war creates real problems and dangers for the further conservation of natural complexes represented within the studied NRF territories. As a result of shelling from artillery systems, explosions have already been recorded on the territory of the Shalyhinsky Reserve. Against the backdrop of the war, the relevance of monitoring compliance with environmental legislation within the NRFs and recording the manifestations of hostilities on their territories does not diminish. At the same time, the issue of using and developing remote monitoring methods, combining domestic and international experience, is of particular importance. This work should be systematic, supported by structural, functional, methodological and instrumental (hardware, software, etc.) aspects. In the event that, against the background of war and (or) counteraction to the aggressor, there is a threat of loss of natural complexes of a certain NRF territory and, accordingly, loss of its sozological value, a system of compensatory measures and an algorithm for their implementation should be clearly defined at the state and regional levels.
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