Keywords: urban greening; decorative value; growth requirements; aesthetics; stability of plantations.


The article presents a study of the use of plants of the Cornus L. sod genus in urban landscaping with an emphasis on the cities of Wroclaw, Enger and Kyiv. The research carried out on the territory of different cities indicates the significant contribution of sod to the improvement of the urban environment, as well as the importance of reasonable consideration of ecological aspects to achieve optimal results when using plants of the sod genus (Cornus L.) in urban landscaping. During the experiment, the suitability and advantages of including Cornus L. plants in urban landscapes were determined and evaluated, taking into account their botanical characteristics, growth requirements and positive impact on the ecological and aesthetic atmosphere of cities. The article presents an assessment of decorativeness, adaptability of species to the urban environment and their ability to grow in various stressful conditions. In addition, the role of the studied genus in improving the quality of the microclimate and creating a natural environment for city dwellers has been clarified. These studies indicate that the natural elements of trees, bushes, and landscape groups increase opportunities for social interaction, monitoring of open areas, and recreational loads. Therefore, the process of planning and selecting the right assortment of new urban green spaces is no less important, since parks play a special role from the point of view of public space in the planning and development of sustainable land use. Well-executed green compositions help position them to fulfill appropriate cultural and environmental roles. The evaluation established that C.sanguinea ‘Winter Beauty’, this cultivar stands out for its decorativeness, especially in cold seasons. It has a loose ovoid shape of the crown, the beginning of flowering occurs from 10.05-20.05, the duration of flowering is 12-16 days. According to the obtained indicators of decorativeness, C. sanguinea ‘Winter Beauty’ belongs to the I group. The analysis of decorativeness emphasizes the value and aesthetic appeal of plants of the genus Cornus L., which makes them suitable for urban landscaping projects. The studied plants are more sensitive to summer-autumn warming, which has a positive effect on growth in height, thereby becoming an almost universal plant in the conditions of current climate changes The results of this study can serve as a valuable resource for urban planners, landscape designers, and policy makers regarding the development and management of urban green spaces, contributing to a higher quality of life for city dwellers and the preservation of natural ecosystems.


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How to Cite
Fursa, V. R., & Pinchuk, A. P. (2024). APPLICATION IN URBAN GREENING OF PLANTS OF THE SOD GENUS (CORNUS L.), ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE CITIES: KYIV, WROCLAW, ENGER. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 55(1), 151-161.