Keywords: Trifolium pratense L., RAPD analysis, natural herbaceous phytocoenoses, populations, genetic diversity, primer


The article is devoted to the study of populations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) in natural herbaceous phytocoenoses in Sumy city and Sumy region (Nature Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna) using molecular biological methods, in particular PCR diagnostics with the participation of oligonucleotide RAPD primers, in order to establish the genetic diversity of the species at the population level. The study of the genetic structure of species populations is a component of a comprehensive population analysis, which, among other things, includes the study of age and ontogenetic, sexual, size and vitality structures, reproduction and growth processes, which allows us to reveal the mechanisms of species resistance in certain growth conditions, assess the prospects for its existence and draw conclusions about the genetic diversity of its populations. From an agronomic point of view, red clover is an extremely valuable field crop, as it is used as fodder for livestock, and its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil provides companion grasses with this nutrient. For this reason, meadow clover is a good precursor for cereals. Within natural phytocoenoses, the share of meadow clover can be up to 20% of the grass stand, which, together with other grass species, forms highly productive meadows. The study of natural communities of red clover at the molecular (genomic) level allows us to assess the degree of biodiversity of the species, the breeding potential of varieties as a source of target genes for selection in particular and genetic plasma in general. Molecular analysis will also make it possible to estimate the loss of genetic resources of the red clover as a result of aggressive military operations. The object of the study was red clover samples collected in different locations of herbaceous phytocoenoses in Sumy and the Nature Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna. Genetic material (DNA) was extracted using salt-enzyme extraction, followed by purification and nucleic acid precipitation. DNA amplification was performed using RAPD primers Ver_1 AATCGGGCTG and Ver_2 GTTGCGATCC followed by visualization of reaction products in an agarose gel in the presence of ethidium bromide. The nature of the amplicons indicates the satisfactory quality of the nucleic acid preparations. Amplification of fragments revealed a high degree of polymorphism at both markers (17 polymorphic loci out of 18), and the study of the affinity of red clover samples using cluster analysis established a close relationship between samples growing within the city of Sumy in adjacent locations, as well as the Nature Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna.


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How to Cite
Kyrylchuk, K., Bakumenko, O., & Vereshchahin, I. V. (2024). RAPD-ANALYSIS IN THE SYSTEM OF COMPLEX ECOLOGICAL AND ANALYTICAL MONITORING OF RED CLOVER POPULATIONS OF MEADOW GRASS PHYTOCOENOSIS OF THE SUMY REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 34-41. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2024.2.5