Keywords: biodiversity conservation, rare plant species, Anemone sylvestris, population studies, nature reserve fund, urban flora, anthropogenic pressure


In an era of global urban expansion, an important aspect of biodiversity conservation is to understand the impact of urbanisation on it, as a number of anthropogenic factors, including habitat change and the introduction of new species, directly affect the status of native species and their gene pool. A separate aspect is the uncontrolled spread of invasive species, which not only negatively affects native species and natural ecosystems, but also causes significant economic losses and threatens human health. In addition, residential and commercial development has a significant destructive impact on the local biodiversity of cities. In order to ensure appropriate conditions for the existence, growth and development of local biodiversity, it is necessary to develop a system of nature reserves in the urban environment. It is the NRF objects that contain the appropriate territory regime, which allows to ensure the preservation of landscape components and biodiversity in their natural state. In view of the above, studies of populations of rare plant species within cities, including Sumy, are relevant to ensure further expansion of the existing network of protected areas. The state of the population of the regionally rare species Anemone sylvestris within the urbanised habitat (Sumy) was assessed. The area of the population field covered a plot of 7 x 8 m. The average density of flowering individuals was 14.3 plants per 50 cm2. A maximum of 37 flowering plants were recorded on the plot. The nature of the plant distribution within the population field is contagious. Morphometric analysis showed that the plants had rather long flowering shoots, which reached a maximum of 49 cm, and were on average 43 cm high. Plants had 4 to 6 leaves on tall petioles (8.6 to 18.4 cm). Leaf length and width were 4.3 and 7.5 cm, respectively. The vital status of each Anemone sylvestris plant included in the sample showed that all plants belonged to the highest vital status, and their quality index (Q) ranged from 0.71 to 0.98. All the examined Anemone sylvestris specimens exceeded the limit of 0.66 in terms of their vitality and, accordingly, were classified as having the highest vitality value. According to the results of the integrated assessment of the population's vitality, it was found that in 2023 this population had the highest level of vitality, equal to 0.5.


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How to Cite
Klymenko, I. M., Leshchenko, D. O., Klymenko, H. O., & Tymoshchuk, V. V. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE POPULATION STATUS OF THE REGIONALLY RARE PLANT SPECIES ANEMONE SYLVESTRIS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT (SUMY). Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 42-48.