Keywords: the northern part of the Left Bank Steppe, morphometric parameters, length of annual shoots, sizes of internodes, annual height increment


Species of the genus Acer L. are widely used in the landscaping of industrial cities in the steppe zone of Ukraine. The research aimed to evaluate the morphometric parameters of vegetative organs and the intensity of stem growth. The objects of research were species of the genus Acer in the parks of industrial cities in the northern part of the Left Bank Steppe of Ukraine: A. platanoides L., A. pseudoplatanus L., A. saccharinum L., and A. tataricum L. The length of annual shoots was measured on ten branches of five 35-year-old model trees selected for each species studied. Measurements were made with a caliper (with an accuracy of 0.1 cm). The height growth of stems was measured using a Makarov pendulum altimeter (with an accuracy of 0.5 m). It was found that the length of annual shoots of maples in Pokrovsky Park varies from 10.03 cm in A. tataricum to 15.6 cm in A. saccharinum, and in Novogorodivsky Park – from 10.16 to 15.42 cm, respectively. The shoot length of trees in Pokrovsky Park is larger than in Novogrodivsky Park by 1 % in A. saccharinum, 2 % in A. platanoides, and 5 % in A. pseudoplatanus. The length of internodes on annual shoots was the largest for A. platanoides (8.35–10.8 cm), and the smallest – for A. tataricum (4.52–4.81 cm). In Novogrodivsky Park, the length of internodes exceeds the value in Pokrovsky Park by 4 % in A. pseudoplatanus, 5 % in A. saccharinum, and 6 % in A. tataricum. The internodes of A. platanoides in Pokrovsky Park are 23% longer than in Novogrodivsky Park. The differences in the length of shoots and internodes between the trees in the studied parks are not statistically confirmed. The largest annual height growth of stems was estimated in A. pseudoplatanus: 58.5 cm (Pokrovsky Park) and 55.8 cm (Novogrodivsky Park); the smallest – in A. tataricum: 22.0 cm and 21.3 cm, respectively. It was found that the difference in the annual height growth between the trees of the studied parks is not significant, except for A. platanoides (tobserved=2.25; t0.05=2.02). The culmination of the annual height increment of the studied trees occurs at the age of 30–40 years old, depending on the species and their growth rates. The results obtained should be taken into account when developing practical measures for the preservation, design and reconstruction of city parks for the most effective use of Acer species in them.


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How to Cite
Suslova, O. P. (2024). GROWTH OF THE SHOOTS OF ACER L. SPECIES IN THE INDUSTRIAL CITIES OF THE STEPPE ZONE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 67-73.