Keywords: bioproductivity, green manure technologies, phytocoenotic indicators, biological groups of weeds, number of weeds, weed weight, level of weediness


The expediency and efficiency of green manure farming systems in the variants of biological control of the level of weeds in the field using the variant of intermediate (summer) green manure was investigated and substantiated. In the ten-year research cycle (2014–2023), basic methodological approaches to assessing both the bioproductive potential of oilseed radish and international methods for assessing the overall level of weed infestation and the phytocoenological status of the recorded weed species were applied. The species structure of weeds in the oilseed radish agrocenosis was analysed and evaluated by such indicators as density (D), frequency of occurrence (F, %), abundance (Ab), relative density (RD, %), relative frequency of occurrence (RF, %), relative abundance (RAb, %), significance index (IVI), total dominance ratio (SDR), and frequency class of weed species (Fcl). The results of the aftereffect of flooded green manure on the quantitative and weight index of the level of weediness of a number of crops in accordance with the crop rotation scheme were evaluated. The efficiency of oilseed radish application in the variant of green manure for controlling both the species structure of the corresponding agrocenosis in the year of green manure and in the variant of technological aftereffect, especially on a row crop group, was established. In comparison with the control without green manure, a general decrease in the number of early spring weeds by 66.1% by number and 49.7% by weight, late spring weeds by 37.7% (39.5%), winter weeds by 72.2% (63.6%) and perennial weeds by 48.0% (46.8%), respectively, was observed. A general decrease in the phytocoenological status of the dominant weed species by 8.5–18.9% with a change in the species frequency class (Fcl) and a 23.7% reduction in the total dominance ratio (SDR) by one category was established. A close, reliable inverse relationship between the volume of aboveground biomass formed at the time of green manure ploughing and the number of weeds (r = -0.717, dxy = 51.4% at p < 0.001) and their weight (r = -0.677, dxy = 45.8% at p < 0.001) was proved. A similar relationship was found between the bioproductivity of oil radish in the year of green manure and its effect on subsequent crops with a level of determination of 54.4% for the number and 49.1% for the weight of weeds (at p<0.05). Based on the results obtained, oilseed radish is recommended as a highly productive and effective candidate in the system of summer (intermediate) green manure technologies for controlling the level of weediness in the field.


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How to Cite
Tsytsyura, Y. H. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF OILSEED RADISH IN REDUCING FIELD WEEDINESS DURING ITS INTERMEDIATE (SUMMER) GREEN MANURE USE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 74-86. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2024.2.10