The article is devoted to population studies of the species Coronilla varia L. (Fabaceae) in the plant communities of the Mykhailivska Tsilyna Nature Reserve, which can serve as a basis for developing recommendations for the regime of use, conservation and protection of steppe biodiversity. The article presents a structural analysis of the flora of the phytocenoses in which the studied populations grew. Populations No. 1 and No. 2 grew in the phytocoenosis of Poetum angustifoliae arrhenatheretosum elatii. Population No. 3 – in the phytocoenosis of Festucetum valesiacae. The results of studies of the state of three populations of Coronilla varia L. in the conditions of steppe phytocenoses of the Mykhailivska Tsilyna Nature Reserve, which grew on the territory of the reserve, as well as in the adjacent territories and differed in the mode of use, protection and the term of conservation, are presented. The dependence of the main population parameters (population density, size of the population field), as well as growth processes on the ecological conditions of the territory and the degree of anthropogenic impact was analyzed. The results of the morphometric analysis of C. varia populations are presented in the form of morphograms. The relationship of morphometric characters of individuals of populations with the peculiarities of their habitat is analyzed. The assessment of the density of three populations of C. varia in the Mykhailivska Tsilyna Nature Reserve showed that the absence of haymaking, which results in the formation of a significant layer of plant litter, on the one hand, delays the species' occupation of a new phytocoenosis territory, which affects the size of the population field (it has a small area), and on the other hand, contributes to an increase in the density of the species' populations. As a result of the study of growth processes, it was found that at the initial stages, favorable conditions are created for the growth of C. varia populations under the haying regime, compared to phytocenoses without this effect. This is due to the absence of significant plant litter and, as a result, plants accumulate green mass more efficiently and successfully vegetate. At later stages of plant development, the influence of other environmental factors is added to mowing. The state of individuals of C. varia populations in steppe phytocoenoses directly depends on the organization of the haying regime, as well as on the influence of abiotic and biotic factors determined by the growth conditions of the species. Haying contributes to the normal passage of plants through all stages of their development and the realization of the genetic potential of the species. Individuals of populations of the species that grew in the area with regular haymaking had higher values of morphological parameters compared to populations in the area without haymaking.
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