The results of studying the ontogenetic structure of the population are presented of Festuca valesiaca Gaud. and Festuca pratensis Huds., which grow in the Nature Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna (within its historical part and the new one, which was added after 2009) and in the adjacent territories. The analysis was carried out in accordance with generally accepted approaches. It was accompanied by the formation of ontogenetic spectra of the studied populations, assessment of their completeness and symmetry, calculations of a number of indices (renewability, generativity, aging, age, efficiency), determination of the belonging of populations to the corresponding types. The analysis of the ontogenetic structure proved that the populations of Festuca valesiaca and Festuca pratensis have the potential for sustainable functioning as part of the phytocenoses of the Nature Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna. This statement is based on the predominance of invasive processes characteristic of all studied populations of both species (at values of the index of recovery less than 1), the absence of subsenile and senile plants in their composition and the belonging of populations to such types as transitional, maturing and mature. Against the background of general trends, certain specific features regarding the functioning of populations and, at the same time, also the response to the features of the application of nature protection measures were also registered. In the historical part of the reserve, where the nature conservation regime has been introduced since 1928, the selfmaintenance of the Festuca pratensis population is more complicated than the population of Festuca valesiaca, whose ontogenetic spectra in the range of stages from seedlings (p) to mid-generative (g2) are continuous (in Festuca pratensis in this range in the composition of the spectra, there are no juvenile and young generative plants), and the values of the aging index are reduced to 0. At the same time, the population of Festuca pratensis growing in the new territory of the reserve, which is mostly represented by fallows of different ages, has a more balanced ontogenetic structure, which indicates a fairly successful formation of young plants in its composition (the index of regeneration is 14.71 %), and an effective implementation of the processes of ontogenetic development when a significant proportion of plants reach a generative ontogenetic state (the generativity index reaches 85.29 %). The results of the analysis of the ontogenetic structure of even a small number of populations of two species, which play an important role in the formation of the vegetation cover of the Reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna, indicate a fairly high level of informativeness of the population analysis in revealing the leading features and patterns of the functioning of the vegetation cover of the reserve, and accordingly, the need to expand and detailing population studies within its limits.
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