Corn is of strategic importance for Ukraine, the area under which in recent years is at the level of 4.26–5.39 million hectares. One of the reserves for increasing the yield of corn and reducing the cost of cultivation is the use of bacterial preparations as an alternative to synthetic substances. The purpose of the research is to improve the technology of growing corn hybrids through the use of bacterial preparations and to establish the peculiarities of formation depending on the biologization of cultivation in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe. Research methods – hypothesis, observation, experiment, laboratory, field, visual and comparative-calculation methods were used in the research. The research was carried out in the conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe in the holding of "Organik-D" LLC, township. Skirmishes The soil of the experimental field was gray forest with a medium-loamy mechanical composition, with agrochemical parameters typical for this type of soil. In the course of research, the effectiveness of the bacterial preparation of the nitrogen fixer Biomag at the rate of 1.5 l/ha was determined for the formation of a complex of economic and valuable traits and the productivity of the investigated corn hybrids of different maturity groups. Research results. In the studied hybrids of corn, regardless of the maturity group, the introduction of the bacterial preparation Biomag contributed to the improvement of growth processes and the formation of the architecture of the crop. On average over the years of research, the highest value of plant height and cob attachment was noted for two applications of the bacterial preparation Biomag in the phase of 4-6 and 8-10 leaves of corn: Silvercloud (FAO 200) – 249.9 cm and 73.5 cm, LH 30215 (FAO 220) – 258.5 and 76.8 cm, KVS Fernando (FAO 260) – 264.8 and 84.7 cm, DKS 3476 (FAO 260) – 269.9 and 89.2 cm, VN 6763 (FAO 320) – 292.4 and 108.2 cm, Tesla (FAO 350) – 309.5 and 110.5 cm, respectively. With the extension of the duration of the vegetation period of the studied hybrids, the values of plant height and cob attachment also increased. The "number of rows of grains" turned out to be a genetically determined trait that practically did not change after the introduction of the bacterial preparation Biomag. At the same time, the number of grains in a row and the weight of 1000 grains, on the contrary, turned out to be more variable characteristics that significantly depended on the maturity group of the hybrid and the application of the bacterial preparation Biomag, and they were the highest when this bacterial preparation was applied twice in phase 4–6 and 8–10 sheets – 39.1 pcs. and 235.6 g, 37.6 pcs. and 248.9 g, 41.6 pcs. and 279.5 g, 40.5 pcs. and 280.5 g, 43.3 pcs. and 289.2 g and 42.9 pcs. and 293.6 g, respectively, for the hybrids Silvercloud (FAO 200), LH 30215 (FAO 220), KVS Fernando (FAO 260), DKS 3476 (FAO 260), VN 6763 (FAO 320), Tesla (FAO 350). The use of a two-time application of the bacterial preparation Biomag in the phase of 4-6 and 8-10 leaves of corn ensured the formation of the highest grain yield in the studied corn hybrids – Silvercloud (FAO 200) – 7.74 / ha, LH 30215 (FAO 220) – 7.98 t /ha, KVS Fernando (FAO 260) – 10.46 t/ha, DKS 3476 (FAO 260) – 10.37 t/ha, VN 6763 (FAO 320) – 11.42 t/ha, Tesla (FAO 350) – 11.72 t/ha.
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