One of the priority issues for modern society is the preservation of the environment. An effective means of its protection is the implementation of eco-control on the use of natural resources and the degree of anthropogenic pressure on them. In Ukraine, an integral and important component of the implementation of the state policy on state supervision (control) in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources is the activity of the State Environmental Inspection. The purpose of this article is to analyze the work of the State Environmental Inspection in the Sumy region under martial law. The research was conducted based on the results of processing reports on the implementation of state supervision (control), which are published on the official website of the institution. It was established that before the start of the full-scale military invasion of russia, the majority of inspections of the State Environmental Inspection in the Sumy region (scheduled and unscheduled) were conducted in the areas of waste and chemical substances management, protection of water resources, atmospheric air, land fund and subsurface resources. In 2023, 1235 exclusively unscheduled inspections were carried out, mainly in the areas of flora protection – 671 (54%), fishery resources – 171 (14%) and waste and chemical management – 121 (10%). Compared to 2022, for 2023, most of the protocols were drawn up in relation to the illegal extraction of fish resources – 168 protocols (43%), about 39% of the protocols were drawn up in the field of flora protection – 152 protocols, while in the field of waste and chemical management substances account for only 9% of the compiled protocols – 33 protocols. According to the results of inspections carried out in 2022–2024, fines were imposed in the total amount of 282.597 thousand UAH, of which the largest amount was for violations in the areas of flora protection – 154.224 thousand UAH, handling of waste and chemical substances – 39.083 thousand UAH and protection of fish resources – UAH 31.824.000. As of January 1, 2024, losses caused by the pollution of surface water bodies as a result of hostilities totaled 1,834 billion UAH, the total amount of losses due to pollution of land resources – 656.382 million UAH, atmospheric air – 222.224 million UAH. During 2022–2024, damage to the environment in Sumy region, not related to hostilities, in the amount of UAH 193.460 million was caused in total. In the conditions of wartime, one of the priority areas of work was the assessment of the impact of the war on the state of the environment and its components. At the same time, special attention is paid to determining the damage and losses caused to Ukraine as a result of russia's armed aggression. At the same time, a number of problematic issues arise, due to the imperfection of the methods on the basis of which the extent of the damage is determined. Therefore, the emergence of new approaches to the assessment of damage caused by military actions is positive.
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