Keywords: nature reserve fund, biodiversity, flora, fauna, rare species, botanical reserve, natural monument


The publication presents the results of the assessment of the current state of biodiversity of the botanical reserve of local importance “Pidlisnivskyi”, the hydrological natural monument of local importance “Dzherela H.M. Yunaka” and the botanical natural monument of local importance “Sukhanovy Oak”, located within the Stepanivska settlement territorial community of Sumy region. The work is based on generally accepted floristic and geobotanical research methods. In terms of landscape, the “Pidlisnivskyi” reserve is a gully with preserved meadow-steppe vegetation, the “Dzherela H.M. Yunaka” natural monument is a part of the floodplain complex of the small Huska River, and the “Sukhanovy Oak” natural monument is a single centuries-old tree within the village development. As a result of the research, 116 plant species were identified in the “Pidlisnivskyi” reserve, 40 in the “Dzherela H.M. Yunaka” natural monument, and 10 within the “Sukhanovy Oak” natural monument. Plant species representing rare phytodiversity were found only in the “Pidlisnivskyi” reserve. Among them are four plant species, included in the Red Book of Ukraine, as well as 11 regionally rare plant species included in the List of Plant, Animal and Fungal Species Subject to Special Protection in the Sumy Region. The results of the research showed that the “Pidlisnivskyi” reserve needs to create a protection zone at least 50 meters wide, the “Dzherela H.M. Yunaka” natural monument needs to be cleared of clutter, and the “Sukhanovy Oak” natural monument needs treatment and landscaping. It is necessary to install information and protection signs and information boards within the boundaries of all three protected areas, as well as to monitor the state of biodiversity in their territories in order to prevent deterioration of quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It is noted that the total area of the objects of the nature reserve fund of the Stepanivska settlement territorial community is 20.76 hectares, which is only 0.16% of the total area of the community and is insufficient to form a strong basis for the ecological framework of this territory. Accordingly, it is proposed to increase the area of the “Pidlisnivskyi” reserve by approximately 2.5 to 3 times, and the area of the “Dzherela H.M. Yunaka” natural monument by 10 times at the expense of the adjacent territories where rare species of plants and animals have been found.


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How to Cite
Skliar, Y. L., Trotsenko, V. I., & Sherstiuk, S. M. (2024). STATUS AND CURRENT ISSUES OF BIODIVERSITY PROTECTION OF THE TERRITORIES AND OBJECTS OF THE NATURE RESERVE FUND OF THE STEPANIVSKA TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 57(3), 66-74.