Keywords: biostimulants, potatoes, agrotechnology, mineral fertilisers, vegetation period


The study focuses on analyzing the impact of biostimulants on potato crops, taking into account such aspects as vegetation parameters, yield and quality of marketable tubers. The biostimulants affect the physiological processes of potatoes, namely: increasing the efficiency of nutrient uptake from the soil, improving the abiotic resistance of plants and accelerating the process of photosynthesis. The preparations used in the study contributed to the increase of the genetic potential of potatoes. Particular attention is paid to the effectiveness of different types of biostimulants in increasing plant productivity, including increasing the weight of tubers and improving their consumer qualities. The results of the study confirm that biostimulants not only contribute to better plant growth, but also increase potato yield and stress resistance to unfavorable conditions of the Ukrainian forest-steppe. This is manifested in an increase in the average weight of tubers and the number of tubers per bush, which contributes to an increase in the total weight of the crop per unit area. In addition, in particularly dry years, a significant improvement in the quality and marketability of potato tubers was found. Biostimulants, in particular, are able to improve the physical parameters of tubers, which plays an important role in increasing their keeping quality and overall potato quality. This, in turn, can lead to higher incomes for farmers due to better quality potato products that meet market requirements. The use of biostimulants can also contribute to more stable yields during fluctuating climatic conditions, as some products improve the ability of plants to adapt to severe weather conditions in the region, such as dryness or excessive rainfall. After harvesting, the potatoes were stored in a storage facility for five months and, compared to the control, had better physical and chemical characteristics and better resistance to diseases during storage. Thus, the use of biostimulants in potato agronomy is an effective method for increasing not only yields but also the overall quality of products, which makes them an important tool in modern agriculture. The potential of biostimulants has not yet been fully realized, so research on the use of biostimulants continues.


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How to Cite
Khovzun, R. V. (2024). INFLUENCE OF BIOSTIMULANTS ON POTATO DEVELOPMENT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 57(3), 92-98.