Thanks to the introduction of economic methods of market regulation, Ukraine’s oil-and-fat complex is the only sector of agricultural production with the balance between the economic interests of the state, the agricultural and processing spheres of production, and the domestic consumer. This is proved by the obtained profits, levels of profitability, and indicators of energy efficiency coefficients. Due to the biological features and biochemical composition of the oil of the cabbage family’s oil crops, they are becoming more important every year, and today, they have moved from the category of “experimental” to the category of “interesting” for agricultural producers as an alternative to traditional oil crops, particularly, sunflower. It has been proven that the cultivation of the cabbage family’s oil crops under the conditions of the northeastern foreststeppe of Ukraine is profitable from economic and energy points of view. The maximum profitability level (135–138%) was obtained for the cabbage family’s oil crops without mineral fertilizers. The calculated structure of costs for the cultivation of the cabbage family’s oil crops, such as brown, white, black mustard, and spring rape: on average, labor costs for all crops are 5–12%; seeds – 2–6% (domestic) and 7–14% (foreign); means of protection – 11–36%; fuel – 20–44%; other expenses are about 20%. The application of mineral fertilizers at the rates: N30P30K30 (16–20%), N60P60K60 (26–31%), and N90P90K90 (33–39 %). The maximum values of the energy efficiency coefficient (Kee = 3.49–4.70 %) for all studied varieties were provided by factors such as the absence of mineral nutrition and foliar feeding. Applying fertilizers led to decreased energy efficiency in all variants of the cultivation of the cabbage family’s oil crops. Energy efficiency coefficients decreased by 1.09–1.36 when fertilizers were applied at the rate of N30P30K30, and N60P60K60 by 1.47–1.94 and N90P90K90 by 1.78–2.40, respectively, compared to the control.
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