Sort reaction of buckwheat to complex application of biological preparations and fertilizers
Buckwheat is a valuable food crop. However, its low yield in comparison with other cereal crops leads to high prices for the cereal realization of this crop. Therefore, the development of techniques for increasing the buckwheat yield is relevant. One way to increase the buckwheat yield is to optimize the nutrition regime of the crop through the use of biologicals, macro- and microfertilizers.
The researches devoted to the study of the complex application of biologicals and mineral fertilizers were being conducted during 2016‒2018 at the Institute of Agriculture of the North-East of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
The weather conditions of the growing seasons varied significantly over the years of research, which made it possible to study more fully the response of varieties to the factors studied.
The studies were conducted in a three-factor field experiment where:
- factor A ‒ the varieties of different morphotype;
- factor B ‒ doses of mineral fertilizers (without fertilizers; N30P45K45; N30P45K45+N15; N16P16K16 in the rows; N16P16K16+N15)
- factor C ‒ biological preparation Microgumine ‒ 200 g/ha; microfertilizer Reakom "Zernovyi" 0,5 l/ha; growth regulator Sodium humate ‒ 1.0 l/ha.
According to the results of our research, it was found that Selianochka variety was better than Slobozhanka variety by responding to the use of seed inoculation and application of chelated fertilizer forms, with a yield increase of 0.05‒0.27 t/ha. With the increase of mineral nutrition, the yield increase was 0.01 t/ha less than in the Slobozhanka variety, namely from 0.06 to 0.45 t/ha.
By Selyanochka variety, the variant with complex use of seed treatment with biological preparation, microfertilizers and application of growth regulator in the phase of "budding" of buckwheat plants, on the background of the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N16P16K16 + N15 the maximum yield of 2.20 t/ha was obtained. However, the yield increase after fertilizer application was 0.42 t/ha, from the use of biological products, microfertilizers and growth regulator ‒ 0.27 t/ha.
In Slobozhanka variety, inoculation of seeds and application of chelated forms of fertilizers in the budding phase of plants also favoured to increase the yield, but not in all variants. On the other hand, the increase from the use of mineral fertilizers in all variants was positive from 0.04 to 0.41 t/ha.
The comparison of the studied varieties of different morphotypes by yield showed that in Selyanochka variety it was of the average 1.96 t/ha during the research years, at fluctuations from 1.75 to 2.20 t/ha, by Slobozhanka variety ‒ 1.73 t/ha and 1.51‒1.92 t/ha respectively.
Buckwheat is a valuable food crop. However, its low yield in comparison with other cereal crops leads to high prices for the cereal realization of this crop. Therefore, the development of techniques for increasing the buckwheat yield is relevant. One way to increase the buckwheat yield is to optimize the nutrition regime of the crop through the use of biologicals, macro- and microfertilizers.
The researches devoted to the study of the complex application of biologicals and mineral fertilizers were being conducted during 2016‒2018 at the Institute of Agriculture of the North-East of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
The weather conditions of the growing seasons varied significantly over the years of research, which made it possible to study more fully the response of varieties to the factors studied.
The studies were conducted in a three-factor field experiment where:
- factor A ‒ the varieties of different morphotype;
- factor B ‒ doses of mineral fertilizers (without fertilizers; N30P45K45; N30P45K45+N15; N16P16K16 in the rows; N16P16K16+N15)
- factor C ‒ biological preparation Microgumine ‒ 200 g/ha; microfertilizer Reakom "Zernovyi" 0,5 l/ha; growth regulator Sodium humate ‒ 1.0 l/ha.
According to the results of our research, it was found that Selianochka variety was better than Slobozhanka variety by responding to the use of seed inoculation and application of chelated fertilizer forms, with a yield increase of 0.05‒0.27 t/ha. With the increase of mineral nutrition, the yield increase was 0.01 t/ha less than in the Slobozhanka variety, namely from 0.06 to 0.45 t/ha.
By Selyanochka variety, the variant with complex use of seed treatment with biological preparation, microfertilizers and application of growth regulator in the phase of "budding" of buckwheat plants, on the background of the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N16P16K16 + N15 the maximum yield of 2.20 t/ha was obtained. However, the yield increase after fertilizer application was 0.42 t/ha, from the use of biological products, microfertilizers and growth regulator ‒ 0.27 t/ha.
In Slobozhanka variety, inoculation of seeds and application of chelated forms of fertilizers in the budding phase of plants also favoured to increase the yield, but not in all variants. On the other hand, the increase from the use of mineral fertilizers in all variants was positive from 0.04 to 0.41 t/ha.
The comparison of the studied varieties of different morphotypes by yield showed that in Selyanochka variety it was of the average 1.96 t/ha during the research years, at fluctuations from 1.75 to 2.20 t/ha, by Slobozhanka variety ‒ 1.73 t/ha and 1.51‒1.92 t/ha respectively.
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