Efficiency of bacterial fertilizers in peas agrocoenosis under the conditions of the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
Peas (Pisum sativum L.) is an appreciable annual leguminous crop which can solve the problem of phytoalbumin, improve nitrogen balance of soil and increase the production of food products.
The important role in cultivation method of leguminous crops, pea in particular, plays the realization of productive potential due to energy-saving techniques, namely seed inoculation. One of the ways to supply pea agrocoenosis with beneficial microflora is the use of bacterial fertilizers which can supply the plants with essential complex of microorganisms, good nutrition and as a result it can help to realize its genetic potential as for yielding capacity and protein content.
The aim of the research is to define the influence of bacterial fertilizers on pea productivity by different level of mineral nutrition. The researches have been conducted on the base of educational and scientific centre of Sumy National Agrarian University according to generally accepted methods during 2015–2017.
The research variants were the following: without inoculation by bacterial fertilizer and with seed treatment with Rhyzohumin and Polymyxobakteryn. Inoculation of peas seed was conducted according to the method of the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agro-Industrial Production of NAAS (Chernihiv).
On the control the seed inoculation has not been done. The backgrounds of mineral nutrition were P60K60 and N60P60K60. The application of bacterial fertilizers which contain new, highly effective, culturally specific variety of rhizobial bacteria with the increased viability in high concentrations ensures the development of maximal amount of tubers on root system of plants. The highest efficiency in forming symbiotic apparatus and intensity of its activity was stipulated by combination of presowing seed inoculation with Rhezohumin and application of phosphate-potassium fertilizers in the doze of P60K60. The maximal amount and weight of nodules was 50.3 unit per plant and 2.06 g per plant. The level of peas yielding capacity is defined by individual plant productivity which is multiplied by its amount and characterizes the cro productivity under the certain conditions of growing.
It was determined that the combination of seed inoculation by bacterial fertilizers through using of nitrogen fixing (Rhizobium leguminosarum strain 31) and phosphorus mobilizing (Bacillus polymyxa KB) bacteria and mineral fertilizers favours to raising of peas productivity under the conditions North-East Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The most effective result was obtained in the variant with peas seed inoculation by Rhyzohumin and application of mineral fertilizer in the doze N60P60K60 (yield has increased on 33.7 % comparing with the control).
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