Wheat varieties from hybridization of different vegetation duration: inheritance and formation by number of ears

Keywords: bread winter wheat, early maturity of varieties, combinations of crossing, inheritance, hybrids, true and hypothetical heterosis, degree of phenotypic dominance, population F2, degree and frequency of positive transgressions.


In 20172019, 42 F1 and F2 populations of bread winter wheat obtained from hybridization of varieties that differ in vegetation period were studied in the experimental field of the research and production center of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. The aim of the study was to determine the heterosis and the degree of phenotypic dominance in F1 and transgressive variability in F2 by the number of spikelets in the main ear, when using in hybridization of different bread winter wheat varieties.

It was found that during the years of research, in the parental forms the number of spikelets in the main ear was 15.718.0, and their formation was significantly influenced by genotype, year conditions and their interaction. The majority of F1 by the number of spikelets in the ear exceeded the original forms, with high rates (21.019.2) in Chorniava / Stolychna, Bilotserkivska napivkarlykova / Chorniava, Chorniava / Vidrada, Kolchuga / Stolychna. In 39 from the 42 hybrids, the inheritance of the spikelets number from the main ear occurred by positive dominance. High hypothetical (Ht = 23.515.4 %) and true (Hbt = 18.610.2 %) heterosis was found in F1 Chorniava / Stolychna, Kolchuga / Stolychna, Bilotserkivska napivkarlykova / Chorniava, Chorniava / Vidrada, Zolotokolosa / Vidrada.

In 85.7 % of F2 populations, a positive degree of transgressions with the maximum manifestation of the spikelets number in the main ear (2024) was determined in recombinants, which indicates a significant shaping process and the possibility of selection on the basis of the studied trait. The maximum number of spikelets in the main ear (2224) was formed by the majority of populations in which the varieties Myronivska Rannia, Kolchuga, Zolotokolosa, Chorniava and Antonivka were used as maternal forms. The frequency of transgressive recombinants in these populations was 3.396.7 %.


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How to Cite
Lozinsky, M., Ustinova, H., & Obrazhii, S. (2020). Wheat varieties from hybridization of different vegetation duration: inheritance and formation by number of ears. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 42(4), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2020.4.2