To establish features of influence of modes of moistening of a bed during germination of seeds of different grades of millet rod-shaped on decrease in a condition of its rest and, accordingly, increase of germination. Laboratory, visual, measuring and weighing, mathematical and statistical. It was found that the best germinated seeds of millet rod-shaped in terms of humidity of the bed for its germination, which was created by the amount of water from 25 to 30 ml on one plant – on the average on four grades on the 10-th day (germination energy) 25 % of sprouts are received, and on the 15-th day (germination) –26 %. At the humidity of the bed, which was created by the amount of water 15 (not enough moisture) or more than 35 ml/plant (excessive moisture), both germination energy and germination were significantly lower compared to the germination of seeds on the bed, which created the amount of water from 25 to 30 ml/plant. When moistening the bed with the addition of water less than 20 and more than 30 ml per germination, the number of germinated seeds decreased compared to germination on the bed, where 30 ml of water was added, and significantly increased compared to germination on the bed, where water was added 15 and 35 ml/germination. Regularities of seed germination intensity of varieties of different origin and maturity groups depending on the degree of moisture were similar. The highest quality indicators of all varieties were for moistening the bed with water in the amount of 25 and 30 ml/plant. The decrease or increase of water led to a decrease in the intensity of seed germination. The medium-ripe variety ‘Morozko’ of the Ukrainian selection reacted best to the increase in the degree of moisture, and the number of germinated seeds was the largest in all accounting dates. The lowest seed quality indicators for all humidification modes were obtained immature variety Alamo: on the 15-th day the amount of germinated seeds when moistened with 15 and 20 ml of water per germination was lower by 4 %, with humidification modes 30 and 35 ml/germination, respectively – by 7 and 11 %, compared to the variety 'Morozko' (LSD0.05 grade = 1.0 %). It was found that the need for water for the germination of rod millet seeds is 33.3–40.0 % of water by weight. Both insufficient and excessive moistening of the bed during the germination of rod millet seeds and its varietal characteristics significantly affected the intensity of seed germination, but was not decisive for a significant reduction in its dormancy and increase in the number of germinated seeds.
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