Keywords: potatoes, varieties, tuber consistency, flour content, wateriness, smell, digestibility, darkening of boiled potato pulp, taste


The results of a study to determine the potential of potato varieties for the manifestation of table qualities of tubers, which were performed during 2018–2020 and two surveys per year, are presented. Despite the influence on the manifestation of the consistency of tubers of growing and storage conditions revealed a high potential of some of them in terms of expression. The proportion of samples with the maximum consistency of tubers (9 points) was in the range of 1.8–8.9 %, and the average score of the sign was 4.4–4.8. The possibility of selection of varieties with very floury tubers (9 points) is proved. The share of samples with this characteristic, depending on the years of the study, records was in the range of 1.7–12.9 %, and the average score of the sign – 3.8–5.6. Selected varieties, which are characterized by non-watery tubers. At the same time, the expression of the indicator was influenced by the conditions of years of research and storage, which explains the difference in the proportion of samples with the maximum manifestation of the trait – 3.5–15.0 %, and the average expression of the indicator – 4.9–5.7 points. In 2018 and 2019, no varieties with a very unpleasant smell of tubers were isolated. At the same time, in some cases the share of samples with a very pleasant odor was small – 0.9–14.2 %. Differences in the average expression of the indicator were also signif-icant – 5.1–6.4 points. Only in the second accounting of the 2019 harvest, no varieties with unboiled tubers were isolated. However, the share of samples with the maximum expression of the indicator was in the range of 8.9–33.6 %, and the average score was 4.7–6.2. The share of samples with non-darkening crumb was in the range of 7.1–12.4 %, and the same is the largest for both accounts of the 2018 harvest. The average expression of the indicator was characterized by a small difference – 4.3–5.2 points. Only for the second accounting of the harvest of 2020 the variety with very bad taste is allocated. The maximum manifestation of the trait was also characterized by one variety during the first accounting in 2019. According to the average expression of the indicator of years, the accounts did not differ significantly – 5.3–5.9 points.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, N. V., PodgayetskyA. А., & Butenko, E. Y. (2021). POTENTIAL OF POTATO VARIETIES BY TABLE QUALITIES OF TUBERS DURING TESTING IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE NORTHEASTERN FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 43(1), 26-35. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2021.1.4