When creating varieties of winter triticale to achieve higher productivity results, namely mastering the effect of heterosis, it is necessary to evaluate parental forms.The most complete description of the material under study can be obtained using the method of dialysis analysis, which is based on the results of the F1 assessment and allows to determine the combinatorial ability of the forms involved in crossing. The results of research (2014–2017) on the manifestation of the effects of heterosis and the nature of inheritance of the main traits of productivity in 30 hybrid populations (F1) are presented. Six varieties of winter triticale of different ecological and geographical origin and the manifestation of valuable economic char-acteristics were used in crosses according to the scheme of full diallel analysis: Polovetske (Ukraine), Amos (Ukraine), Kapryz (Russia), Tsekad 90 (Russia), Dubrava (Belarus), and Pawo (Poland). Determining the degree of phenotypic dominance and the level of effects of heterosis allowed to identify the best productive bushiness of 16 best hybrid combinations compared to the parental forms; the number of grains from the ear – 6 hybrid combinations; the weight of grain from the ear – 15 hybrid combinations; grain weight from the plant – 16 hybrid combinations. The results of research on the effects of heterosis and the degree of phenotypic dominance in hybrid combinations (F1) of winter triticale were obtained. It was found that different traits had different types of inheritance. Thus, on the grounds of "productive bushiness", "grain weight from the ear" and "grain mass from the plant" were observed mainly heterosis, while the "number of seeds per ear" – intermediate inheritance. Some combinations showed partly positive dominance, partly negative inheritance, and depres-sion. The best hybrid combinations of winter triticale have been selected and proposed for use in the selection process on the grounds of “productive bushiness” ‒ Dubrava / Amos and Amos / Dubrava, in which hp was 27.6 and 16.7, hypothetical heterosis – 15.5 % and 9.4 %, true heterosis – 14.8 % and 8.7 %, respectively; "number of grains from the ear" ‒ Polovetske / Kapryz (hp = 29.1), hypothetical heterosis – 28.1 %, true heterosis – 26.9 %; "mass of seeds from the ear" ‒ Dubrava / Kapryz (hp = 95.7), hypothetical heterosis – 32.1 %, true heterosis – 31.7 %; "grain weight from the plant" ‒ Dubrava / Kapryz (hp = 603), hypothetical heterosis – 169.9 %, true heterosis – 169.1 %.
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