The aim of our study was to investigate the effect of aqueous solutions of zinc and manganese salts and their chelated forms as foliar fertilization of Jelly potato variety on the uptake and distribution of some trace elements in potato tubers. The effect of foliar fertilization on potato tubers yield as well as radiocaesium uptake from soil to plant were investigated. Experiment was performed on podzolic glej (loamy sand) soil, poor in most of the microelements in Bazar settlement, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine during 3 years (2014–2016) in an area contaminated with radionuclide after Chernobyl accident in 1986. Growing potato plants were fertilized with aqueous solutions of zinc and manganese sulfate salts and EDTA (chelate) of these minerals. Both metals in the form of water solution were spread with concentration of 0,05 %. Potato plants were fertilized at following growth stages: leaf development (1), main stem elongation (2), flowering (3) and development of fruit (4). Soil and plant samples (potato tubers) were air-dried and analyzed after harvest for 137Cs content (Bq/kg) by using NaI detector as well as for concentration of Fe, K, Mn, Cu, Zn and B (mg/kg) by ICP Optima 7300 DV. Results were reported in mg /100g on a dry-weight basis. It has been shown that foliar fertilization of potato crops affects the concentration of other macro- and microelements in the potato tubers. Thus, as a result of potato plants fertilization with micronutrients the coefficients of potassium accumulation by potato tubers decreased by 14–26%, iron accumulation by 46–54%, and copper accumulation by 21–45% depending on the stage of growth and development of plants at the time of fertilizers spraying. Regarding the concentration of boron in potato tubers, the results are someway contradictory: its concentration decreases slightly when crop was fertilized with zinc solution, but increases when fertilized with manganese solution and complex fertilizer (EDTA). In the average for three years of study foliar fertilization of potato plants with chelated forms of the complex of microelements (EDTA) in the stage of leaf development resulted in an increase of the yield of potato tubers by 22%. Foliar fertilization at the stage of main stem elongation with aqueous solutions of zinc and manganese increased the yield of tubers by 12–14%, while fertilization with EDTA resulted in yield increase by ≈ 40%. When potato plants were fertilized at the stage of flowering, only an aqueous solution of manganese was found to be effective, giving as much as 30.5% increase in the yield. Spraying of potato crops in the later stage (development of fruit) does not increase the yield of tubers. Foliar fertilization with an aqueous solution of zinc does not affect the transfer of radiocaesium from the soil to potato tubers, while fertilization with an aqueous solution of manganese in the stage of flowering and fruit development reduces the transfer of radionuclide to potato tubers by 12–18%. Chelated forms of microfertilizers caused reduction of radionuclide uptake by potato tubers by 20, 18 and 21%, when plants were fertilized at the stage of main stem elongation, flowering and development of fruit respectively.
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