Keywords: variety, hybrid, biometric indicators, phenological observations, yield


The article presents the results of studying the influence of table carrot varieties on its productivity in the conditions of the right-bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The influence of varietal characteristics on the duration of interphase periods of table carrots was revealed. The interphase period of sowing – mass germination was shorter in the hybrid Newcasl F1 (control) – 32 days, which is 2 days shorter compared to the variety Nantska Kharkivska. The shortest period from the first leaf to the formation of the rosette was observed in the hybrid Charisma F1 – 16 days, which is 1 day shorter compared to the control and 2 days shorter compared to the hybrid Brilliance F1. The period of rosette formation – root formation lasted 14 – 16 days and depended on the studied variety and hybrid. The interphase period of root formation – technical maturity lasted 89 – 93 days. The shortest period was observed in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 88 days. Mazurka plants had the longest vegetation period – 128 days, which is 5 days longer than the control and 6 days longer compared to the Charisma F1 hybrid in which this period lasted 122 days. Yield depended on the characteristics of the studied range. On average, over the years of research, the highest yield was obtained among the varieties in the variety Shantane KL, where the increase relative to control was 1.6 t / ha. Comparing the studied hybrids, it was determined that the highest yield was provided by the hybrid Brilliance F1, where the increase relative to the control variant was 6.1 t / ha. The highest marketability was obtained in the studied hybrids, which was at the level of 80.5 – 81.3%. The marketability index of the studied varieties was at the level of 78.3 – 79.1%. The highest figure was obtained in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 81.3%, which is 0.8% more than the control. Indicators of biometric parameters of products are important in the evaluation of varieties and hybrids. The weight of root crops for the years of research was 99.0 – 124.5 g. The largest mass was the roots of table carrots Shantane KL – 105.5 g and hybrid Brilliance F1 – 124.5 g, where gains relative to controls were 6.2 and 10.1 g. The diameter of the root of carrots was in the range of 4.0 – 5.4 cm. The highest rate was observed in the variety Shantane KL and hybrid Newcasls F1 (control) – 4.9 and 5.4 cm. The lowest rate was in the variety Mazurka and Charisma F1 hybrid – 4.0 and 4.7 cm. The largest root length was observed in the variety Mazurka – 20.9 cm, which is more than the control by 6.4 cm and hybrid Brilliance F1 – 16.4 g, where the increase is relatively control was 1.5 cm.


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How to Cite
Palamarmuk, I. I. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY OF TABLE CARROT VARIETIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE RIGHT BANK FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 102-107.