The article highlights the results of studies of phenology and some features of the biology of members of the family Mordellidae, which inhabited the hemp field. Their seasonal dynamics in the number, and passage of the main stages of development according to the phenophase of hemp plants is shown. According to the results of field research conducted in 2019–2021, it was established that in the conditions of the north-eastern part of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in the grass stand of hemp the main representatives of the tumbling flower beetles were Mordellistena parvula Gyll. and Mordellistena connata Erm. It was investigated that the activation of their larvae after overwintering occurs at a steady transition of the average daily temperature through +10 °С in the direction of increase and humidity within 58–85%. Pupation begins in the second half of May or early June with the accumulation of SET in the range of 129.4–202.8 °С, and the average daily air temperature of +13.8–15.6 °С, and its humidity in the range of 68–88%. The development of pupae lasts 13–18 days at an average daily temperature of +19.7–23.2 °С. Beetles emerge from the end of the third decade of May, in the second decade of June at SET 164.8–175.3 °С, and the average daily air temperature within +19.7–23.2 °С. The mass flight of adults is observed from the middle of the second decade of June or the beginning of July at an average daily air temperature of +24.0–26.1 °С, and coincides with the phenophase of the beginning of flowering of male flowers in hemp plants. The flight period of beetles in the grass stand of hemp fild go on until the first decade of August, and lasts about two months at an average daily air temperature of +19.2–24.7 °С. Egg laying begins at SET 169.0–178.3 °С, and the average daily air temperature is +24.1–26.2 °С, and its humidity is 51–60%, and coincides with the flowering of male flowers in hemp plants. Embryonic stage development lasts 15–20 days at an average daily air temperature of +22.4–26.5 °С. Revival of young larvae occurs with the accumulation of SET in the range of 245.2–248.8 °С, and the phase of seed formation in hemp plants. The development of larvae in the stem of hemp plants to the state of diapause can last from 64 to 103 days at an average daily air temperature of +17.9–20.4 °С, and SET from 696.6 to 913.4 °С. The full cycle of development of the tumbling flower beetles (from the moment of activation of larvae in spring to the state of their diapause in autumn) occurs at SET in the range of 1498.2–1623.9 °С at the temperature threshold above +10 °С. The total duration of lasing development averages about 161 days at an average daily air temperature of +21.0 °С.
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