Keywords: soil, structural and aggregate state, mycorrhization, root system, adhesive component, porosity, air permeability


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of mycorrhization of the crop root system by mycorrhizal fungi on the structural and aggregate state of the soil. In the experiment, field, laboratory and statistical methods were applied. It was found that the mycorrhization of the crop root system by mycorrhizal fungi positively affects the structural and aggregate state of the soil. With the use of biological preparations containing these microorganisms, the proportion of soil particles with a size of 0.25–10.0 mm was greater than in the control. In particular, in winter wheat, in the variant with Mycofriend (Trichoderma harzianum Rifai.) treatment, the difference between the experimental and control indicators was +5.5 – +15.4%, and with Mycovital (Tuber melanosporum Vittad.) +6.1 – +16.3%. In corn, these indicators were 4.4–8.2%. Improvement of the structural and aggregate state of the soil under these crops is particularly noticeable in the first 2 months of vegetation compared to the later periods of plant vegetation. Thus, during this period, the increase in the proportion of soil particles with a size of 0.25–10.0 mm was 8.0–16.3% under winter wheat and 7.2– 8.2% under corn. Then, on the 90–120-th day of plant growth and development, these indicators were 5.5–10.2% and 6.7–7.9%, respectively. The improvement of the soil structural and aggregate state due to the mycorrhization of the plant root system by mycorrhizal fungi of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. and Tuber melanosporum Vittad. results from the formation of a mycelial network and the adhesive component of the glycoprotein glomalin. This protein contributes to the formation of optimal-sized soil particles from dusty soil component, which, in turn, positively influence the soil porosity and air permeability.


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How to Cite
Dymytrov, S., & Sabluk, V. (2022). IMPROVING OF SOIL STRUCTURAL AND AGGREGATE STATE THROUGH MYCORRHIZATION OF THE CROP ROOT SYSTEM BY MYCORRHIZAFORMING FUNGI. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 59-62.