Keywords: winter rye, presowing treatment, vitamin E, ubiquinone-10, paraoxybenzoic acid, methionine, MgSO4


Winter rye is a promising crop for the Polissya region of Ukraine, so the search for and development of effective and safe approaches to stimulate the growth and development of this crop is relevant. The material of the study was the seeds of winter rye (Secale cereale L.) varieties Synthetic 38 and Zabava, and compositions of metabolically active substances: vitamin E (10-8 M), paraoxybenzoic acid (POBA) (0,001%), methionine (0,001%), ubiquinone-10 (10-8 M) and MgSO4 (0,001%), which were used in the following combinations – vitamin E+POBA+methionine, vitamin E+POBA+methionine+MgSO4, vitamin E+ubiquinone-10. Presowing treatment of seeds with the studied compositions was performed and research was carried out on the content of protein, starch and water-soluble sugars, as well as the activity of amylases in winter rye grains. An increase in the protein content of winter rye grain is observed when the investigated compositions of metabolically active substances are used. At the same time, the greatest increase compared to the control group occurs with the use of vitamin E+POBA+methionine and E+POBA+methionine+MgSO4 combinations. Also, under presowing treatment of seeds with combinations of metabolically active substances, an increase in starch content is observed. The compositions E+POBA+methionine+MgSO4 and vitamin E+ubiquinone-10 in winter rye grains of both studied varieties turned out to be the most effective. At the same time, the content of soluble mono- and disaccharides in winter rye grains decreases under the conditions of presowing seed treatment. At the same time, presowing seed treatment with the studied combinations of metabolically active substances did not affect amylase activity in winter rye grains of both varieties. Only in the grain of winter rye of the Zabava variety in the group of presowing treatment with the E+POBA+methionine composition, a significant decrease in total amylase activity is observed due to a decrease in β-amylase activity. The results of the conducted research may be of practical importance for the further study of the influence of these compositions on plant organisms in order to justify their use in crop production.


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How to Cite
Kurylenko, A., & Kuchmenko, O. (2022). EFFECT OF PRESOWING TREATMENT ON AMYLASE ACTIVITY AND CARBOHYDRATE AND PROTEIN CONTENT IN WINTER RYE GRAIN. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 105-110. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2022.2.15