Achieving a high result in mental activity provides a visual-figurative type of thinking as a component of the individual characteristics of a person’s intellectual activity. Female biology students with different indicators took part in the study of mental activity on the visual-figurative type of thinking. Using the DX-NT32.V19 hardware and software complex, registration and primary analysis of brain EEG activity was carried out. As a result of the research, it was established that during the successful completion of visual thinking tasks, the total number of functional connections decreases due to a decrease in interhemispheric relationships, but intrahemispheric coherence increases. Functional connections in all EEG bands indicate the transmission of information through the corpus callosum, which creates conditions for performing cognitive tasks with the help of rapid analysis. There is a «territorial narrowing» and strengthening of interactions in the frontal, temporal and parietal regions. This gives reason to assume that the effectiveness of visual thinking depends on a high level of knowledge and skills stored in specific areas of the cortex (temporal and parietal) and the coherence of the work of the frontal areas, which can establish connections with «polymodal» and « supermodal» elements of the temporal and parietal zones. Thus, according to the results of our research, effective visual thinking corresponds to higher values of spectral power in the β2-subband and lower power in the α-band of the EEG, coherence patterns of the right hemisphere in the β1-subband of the EEG and an increase in spatial complexity, and the strength of coherent connections in θ-stripes with numerous long interhemispheric interactions, which is characteristic when performing creative tasks. In cases of increasing the efficiency of figurative thinking, a significant functional connection is established in the δ-band in the posterior parts of the cortex and short interhemispheric intersymmetric synchronizations, which is explained by the inhibitory processes of active attention to extraneous stimuli, thanks to which the integration of individual elements during the imaginary creation of images is possible. Also, the probability of achieving a high result is related to the visual-spatial strategy of performing the task, the simultaneous way of the cognitive process, the inhibition of motor programs and the reduction of concentration on the task itself.
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