Keywords: spring barley, water consumption coefficient, mineral fertilizers, predecessor, productivity, productive moisture, soil


On the basis of the research carried out in the period 2018-2020 in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, it was established that the lowest coefficient of water consumption of barley was after corn for grain as a predecessor. For this predecessor, the consumption of water by spring barley plants was the most economical – 375 m3/t of seeds for the cultivation technology, which involved the application of fertilizers in the dose of N45P90K90 + N45(IV). Cultivation of barley after soybeans increased water consumption to the level of 425 m3/t of seed, which is 50 m3/t of seed or 13 % more than growing after corn. In general, due to application of different doses of mineral fertilizers after soybeans, in years with different levels of precipitation and hydrothermal indicators, both during the autumn-winter storage period and during the spring-summer period, a decrease in the water consumption coefficient was detected by 33–301 m3/t, which indicates more efficient use of water by barley plants on fertilized variants compared to the control. After a corn as a predecessor, a similar dependence is observed. It was established that the highest yield of 4.88 t/ha of spring barley of Viraj was provided by the technology of cultivation with the application of fertilizers in the dose of N45P90K90 + N45(IV) on the background of an integrated protection system with the use of a growth stimulator after the predecessor corn for grain. Under similar cultivation technology, after soybeans as the predecessor, a lower yield at the level of 4.39 t/ha was received. The mathematical analysis of spring barley water consumption under different predecessors showed that there is an average correlation (r = 0.506) of productivity with total water consumption for growing after soybeans, a close relationship (r = 0.835) for growing after corn. At the same time, a close inverse relationship between yield and water consumption was established for both predecessors, as evidenced by the correlation coefficients, which were: for growing after soybeans r = –0.993, for growing after corn r = –0.957. In general, the level of water consumption depended on the fertilization system and the level of water supply after the predecessor.


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How to Cite
PorodkoM. А. (2023). WATER CONSUMPTION OF SPRING BARLEY PLANTS DEPENDS ON FERTILIZER AND PREDECESSOR. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 52(2), 91-98. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2023.2.12