Keywords: mustard, species, varieties, plant height, leaf surface area, individual plant performance


The article analyzes species and varietal features of the formation of morphological parameters of mustard under the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The subject of the study is morphological parameters (height, leaf surface area) of white mustard, brown mustard, and black mustard varieties, and meteorological factors (temperature regime and precipitation). Experimental research was carried out in the field conditions of the educational-scientific-production complex (ESPC) of the Sumy National University during 2020−2022. The soil of the experimental site is typical medium humus black soil (chernozem). The area of the accounted plot is 15 m2. The experiment was repeated three times. Variants in repetitions were established by a randomized method. Sowing was carried out with a Klen-1.5 S planter. The seed sowing rate is 1.5 million/ha. The method of sowing is row 15 cm. The results of our research showed that among the species, slightly larger values were obtained in black mustard varieties (the average value for the group is 137.8 cm). Smaller indicators were for white mustard – 136.2 and brown mustard – 135.8 cm. Among the studied varieties were Romantyka (155.0 cm); Talisman (147.1 cm); Oslava (146.6 cm); Bila Pryntsesa (143.9 cm); Retro (145.7 cm). Variance analysis revealed that plant height was influenced by varietal characteristics to the greatest extent – 58 %; and the “Weather” factor – 32 %. White mustard varieties have higher values of the leaf surface area (38.2 thousand square meters/ha). Slightly lower values were obtained on the crops of Sarepta mustard (34.7 thousand sq. m./ha.) and black mustard – 31.7 thousand square meters/ha. By varieties, the results are as follows: Bila Pryntsesa – 40.9 thousand square meters/ha.; Oslava – 39.6 thousand square meters/ha.; Zaporizhanka – 38.2 thousand square meters/ha; Talisman and Felicia – 37.9 thousand square meters/ha; Prima – 37.8 thousand square meters/ha. The dispersion analysis confirmed that species and varietal features have the maximum influence on the area of the assimilation surface – 88 %, whereas “weather conditions” – 9 %, and other factors only 3 %. On average, the maximum individual performance was obtained in Sinapis alba L. – 1.21 g. Among the spring forms according to the decrease of the variety, the results are as follows: Bila Pryntsesa – 1.32 g; Oslava – 1.25 g; Zaporizhanka – 1.2 g; Felicia – 1.2 g; Talisman and Prima – 1.18 g. A significant lack of individual performance was obtained in the varieties of Rosava – 0.98 g; Victoria – 0.95 g; Chernyava – 0.93 g. The average values of the weight of seeds from one plant were obtained from the varieties of Rosava – 1.0 g; Sophia – 1.04 g; Demeter and Pidpetseretska – 1.13 g; Retro – 1.15 g. Thus, it is worth noting the priority influence of species and varietal characteristics on the fulfillment of the biological potential of mustard plants, which is confirmed in the trends of changes in indicators of height, leaf surface area, and individual performance.


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How to Cite
Kolosok, V. G., & Melnyk, T. I. (2023). SPECIES AND VARIETAL FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF MUSTARD UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE LEFT BANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2023.3.4