Keywords: corn, plant remains, destruction, Trichodermin, Ecostern, micromycetes


The article determines the degree of destruction of plant residues of corn under the action of microbial preparations. One of the ways to activate and accelerate the process of decomposition of plant residues is the use of microbiological preparations – destructors, which contain selected highly effective strains and consortia of cellulolytic microorganisms. Ecostern bacterial biodestructor is a preparation based on strains of agronomically valuable bacteria for decomposition of plant residues, stimulation of plant growth and development, protection against phytopathogens, Trichodermin is a highly effective, environmentally safe preparation based on the fungus Trichoderma viride with antagonistic and cellulolytic properties. Based on the results of research, we found high efficiency of using stubble biodestructors to accelerate the decomposition of plant residues of corn due to the increase in the number of useful microorganisms in the soil, which are responsible for the processes of biodestruction. The nature of the action of biodestroyers varied significantly during the period of action of the drugs. Thus, six months after the introduction of destructors, the degree of decomposition of plant residues of corn in the soil in the version with the use of Trichodermin was 13.4 %, and Ecosterne – 15.2 %. On the eighth month of destruction, the intensity of decomposition of plant remains increased by 2.5-3 times in all studied options. At the end of the research (the 10th month of destruction), the intensity of decomposition of plant residues of corn under the action of biodestructors increased to 66.3 % in the version with Trichodermin and to 64.2 % – Ecostern. In general, the use of Trichodermin and Ecosterne contributed to an increase in the intensity of decomposition of plant residues of corn by 29.2 % and 27.1 % relative to the control indicators of destruction. The highest number of fungi of the genus Trichoderma at each stage of research was found in the version with the use of Trichodermin, which allows us to assert the successful adaptation and survival of the bioagent of the drug on the remains and in the soil. However, an increase in the total number of micromycetes was observed in the version with Ekosterne bacterial treatment, which can be explained by the stimulation of the development of the indigenous microflora of the soil, in particular fungi.


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How to Cite
Synytsia, O. M., Onychko, V. I., & Pyrih, O. V. (2023). DESTRUCTION OF PLANT RESIDUES OF CORN UNDER THE ACTION OF MICROBIAL PREPARATIONS IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE NORTHEASTERN FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 79-84.