Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Agronomy and Biology 2024-02-26T11:24:42+02:00 Ievgeniia Golysheva Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=""><img style="float: left; margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 20px;" src="/public/site/images/snaubulojsadmin/ab.png"></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-4086</a>,&nbsp;<strong>e-ISSN:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2708-4094</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal publishes peer-reviewed original scientific articles and reviews on all aspects of agronomy, ecology and biology from the molecular level of the organization to the biosphere<br><strong>Topics:</strong> plant growing, breeding and seed production, agriculture, soil science, agrochemistry, plant protection and quarantine, phytopathology, entomology, herb studies , biotechnology in agriculture, forestry and plant biology, population ecology of plants (within forest, meadow, steppe, water and other natural and anthropogenically altered plant groups), ecology of biological systems, environmental monitoring.</p> FORMATION OF THE NUMBER OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC MICROMYCETE POPULATIONS IN AGROCENOSES OF OAT 2024-02-26T11:24:42+02:00 Iryna Beznosko Lilia Havryliuk <p>The formation of the number of the phytopathogenic micromycete populations as a factor in biological pollution of oat agrocenoses is an important research field, the study of which will make it possible to create some sustainable agroecosystems. Therefore, the influence of the environmental factors (abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic, etc.) on the formation of micromycete populations on the vegetative organs of oat plants using different plant cultivation technologies was studied. This article presents the results of the ecological assessment of oat plant varieties based on the indicators of its their influence on the population number, the frequency of its occurrence, and the intensity of micromycete sporulation. Vegetative organs of oat plants of Parliamentsky and Tembre varieties were selected by BBCH scale for cereals in the phases: 5 tillers detectable (25), node 5 at least 2 cm above node 4 (35), еnd of heading: inflorescence fully emerged (39). It was determined that certain climatic conditions like an abiotic factor (namely an increase in air temperature), frequent droughts, or rare but abundant rains, significantly influenced the formation of micromycete populations in the oat leaf microbiome. Plant growing technologies, as an anthropogenic factor, influenced the spectrum of species and their frequency of the occurrence on the vegetative organs of oats of different kinds of the varieties. Using the organic technology of plant cultivation led to diversification of the spectrum of micromycete populations, but with a lower frequency of occurrence of species compared to the traditional technology of plant cultivation. Also, the varieties of oat plants, as a biotic factor, in terms of some physiological substances of plants, are able to restrain the spread of micromycete populations on the vegetative organs of plants or stimulate them. It was found out that using the traditional and organic technologies of plant cultivation on the vegetative organs of Tembre oat variety, the population density, the frequency of micromycete species occurrence, and the intensity of sporulation were significantly lower compared to the indexes of Parliamentsky oat variety plants. This points to the fact that the cultivation of oat varieties capable of resisting the formation of micromycete populations on an ecologically safe level will ensure a decrease in the level of biological pollution of agrocenoses and at the same time increase the biosafety of plant raw materials.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) EFFECT OF FERTILIZER ON PROTEIN CONTENT AND ITS AMINO ACID COMPOSITION IN SOY SEEDS OF DIFFERENT MATURITY GROUPS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE LEFT BANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE 2024-02-26T11:24:40+02:00 M. I. Bruniov A. A. Dudka <p>A significant advantage of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) over other crops is its high protein content and balanced amino acid composition. In this regard, the issue of using soybean varieties, whose cultivation could meet the needs of the food industry, as well as the development of an optimal fertilization system to allow revealing the genotypic potential of qualitative indicators of soybean grain, becomes relevant. Despite the balanced natural chemical composition of soybeans, the application of mineral fertilizers can increase its quality indicators. Currently, in Ukraine, the issue of the effect of varietal characteristics and different rates of mineral fertilizers on the amino acid composition of soybeans is not sufficiently studied. The research was aimed at studying the features of the formation of the content of protein and amino acids in soybeans depending on weather conditions, varietal characteristics, and fertilization in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. The study of the effect of calculated (N45P65K85) and recommended (N60P60K60) fertilizer rates on the formation of the quality of soybeans of different maturity groups (Komandor, Triada, and Tenor) was carried out in terms of the educational-scientificproduction complex (ESPC) of the Sumy National Agrarian University during 2020–2022. As the results of research, the influence of weather conditions on the protein content of soybeans has been established, where the distribution of temperature and precipitation in 2020 was the most favorable for the formation of the maximum protein content (41.3%) in soybeans for the years under study. The influence of varietal characteristics on this indicator has also been revealed. The most protein-containing among the varieties was the Tenor variety (42.1%). The early ripening Komandor variety had a slightly lower protein content – 41.9%. The lowest protein content characteristic for the early ripening variety Triada – 40.0%. Among the studied rates of mineral fertilizers, the highest protein content was obtained when applying the estimated and recommended rates of fertilizers – 41.7–41.8%, respectively. During the research, a tendency to increase the content of most amino acids in the middle-early variety Tenor was observed. An increase in the content of amino acids both replaceable and non-replaceable in soybeans due to the application of mineral fertilizers has been recorded. The only exception was indispensable methionine, whose content decreased by 0.04–0.09 g/100 g when mineral fertilizers were applied compared to the control.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE ASSESSMENT OF THE STATE OF RARE PLANT SPECIES CIRCAEA ALPINA L. AND LILIUM MARTOGON L. POPULATIONS IN DESNIANSKO-STAROGUTSKYI NNP 2024-02-26T11:24:38+02:00 H. O. Klymenko D. V. Artemenko I. M. Klymenko <p>It is now well established that the depletion of ecosystem biodiversity will inevitably affect the quality of life and health of the population in individual regions and the entire planet. In turn, biodiversity is the basis of the national wealth of every country, and this primarily concerns herbaceous plants, which are the basic component of any ecosystem and biosphere on the planet. One of the key factors in flora conservation is the creation of nature reserves, which is the most common way to protect not only individual species but also entire ecosystems. Studying populations of rare species as a critical component of ecosystems is a pressing issue, especially nowadays, when it is difficult to change the existing unsustainable system of natural resource management. Population studies allow us to assess the status of both individual populations and the species as a whole. Accordingly, studies of populations of rare plant species protected in protected areas are relevant. We assessed the status of populations of two rare plant species protected in the National Natural Park “Desniansko- Starohutskyi” (NNPDS). C. alpina is a regionally rare species that is subject to protection in the Sumy region and is also listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as unassessed, being on the verge of its total habitat. C. alpina was on average 13.2 cm tall, had 10 to 15 leaves, could also contain up to 6 lateral shoots, and formed about 27 flowers in inflorescences about 5 cm long. L. martagon is a rare plant species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and has an "unassessed" protection status. The plants of L. martagon were on average 87 cm tall, formed about 18 leaves and three whorls of leaves, had 2 to 11 flowers per plant, and the length of the inflorescence ranged from 2 to 20 cm, with an average of about 10 cm. According to the results of the correlation analysis, 19 statistically significant (at the probability level of 0.95) correlation coefficients were found for C. alpina out of 45 comparisons, which is about 40%, and 27 statistically significant (at the probability level of 0.95) correlation coefficients were found for L. martagon out of 45 comparisons, which is about 60%. The indices of morphological integration were higher in Lilium martagon plants (60.0 and 1.13), and lower in C. alpina plants (42.2 and 0.82). The assessment of plant morphological integration indices indicates their integrity for both species of rare plants, and, accordingly, these populations are growing in optimal conditions for them. It is extremely important and desirable to continue observations of these populations of rare plant species growing in the NNPDS, if possible, to reach them and conduct such observations. It is also extremely important to survey the adjacent territories for the purpose of their further conservation to replace those that cannot be reached due to active hostilities.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) ALIEN FRACTION OF THE FLORA OF THE DIFFERENT-AGED FALLOWS OF THE NATURE RESERVE MYKHAILIVSKA TSILYNA: STRUCTURE, DYNAMICS AND PROGNOSIS 2024-02-26T11:24:34+02:00 M. S. Larionov <p>The work is about peculiarities of the structure and dynamics of the alien fraction of the flora on the 1 – 20‑year fallows of the nature reserve Mykhailivska Tsilyna, and a prognosis of its development for the next 10 years. The work is based on materials from the literature and materials collected during a stationary study of the flora of the reserve during 2021 – 2023. A systematic list of alien species of vascular plants on the fallows is provided. The changes in the ratios between their groups in restorative successions were analyzed taking into account the peculiarities of their phytocenosis role. Quantitative predominance of archaeophytes at the initial stages of successions and their gradual decrease at the following stages and an increase in the number of kenophytes have been established. The predominance, by the number of species in the initial stages, of epoecophytes and agrio-epoecophytes – in the following ones was revealed. The peculiarities of the dynamics of the alien fraction have been established: the highest level of its species richness is observed in the first years of the succession; the decrease of it occurs at the stages of establishing the dominant positions of the edificator species (alien or native) and depends on the speed of its spreading; a slight fluctuation in the number of alien species on 10 – 20‑year-old fallows occurs due to the re-invasion of species, that have fallen from the grass stand or less often – new ones. It is predicted, that alien species of wide ecological amplitude (Arrhenatherum elatus (L.) J. Presl &amp; C. Presl, Oenothera biennis L., Cardus acanthoides L., Cynoglossum officinale L., Lactuca serriola L., Lathyrus tuberosus L. etc.) will remain on over 20‑year‑old fallows. Under appropriate conditions, they will be replaced by transforming species (Solidago canadensis L., Acer negundo L., Elaeagnus angustifolia L. etc.) and other aggressive species (Asclepias syriaca L., Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. etc.).</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) FORMATION OF SOWING SEED FRACTIONS OF WINTER BREAD WHEAT CULTIVARS DEPENDS ON LINEAR DIMENSIONS OF CARYOPSES 2024-02-26T11:24:31+02:00 O. Yu. Leonov O. O. Skrypnyk Z. V. Usova K. Yu. Suvorova M. M. Khukhrianska <p>The effects of linear dimensions of caryopses on the formation of sowing seed fractions of winter bread wheat cultivars and lines as well as on the manifestation of quality indicators were studied. It was found that, in sorting, the caryopsis thickness was the limiting factor for grain passing through the sieve holes. The caryopsis width and thickness, thousand kernel weight, and seed germination were significantly affected by year, variety, seed fraction, and their interactions. The linear dimensions of the caryopsis affected the thousand kernel weights in individual fractions. For the fraction &gt; 2.8 mm, this parameter exceeded 50 g in the following cultivars: Doskonala, Pryvablyva, Zdobna, Pryvitna, Metelytsia Kharkivska, Haiok, Podolianka, Smuhlianka, and Lutescens 217-13 line. As to cvs. Bunchuk, Yednist, Krasa Laniv, and Ferugineum 1239 (landrace), this parameter was lower than 45 g. A diminution in the sieve holes by 0.3 mm was associated with a decrease in the thousand kernel weight of the corresponding fraction by 10 g. A high output of large seed fractions was mainly recorded for semi-intensive cultivars: Doskonala, Pryvablyva, Pryvitna, and Podolianka, except for cv. Zdobna. For their separating, using a sieve with holes of 2.8 x 20 mm is advisable. Cvs. Harmonika, Krasa Laniv, Dyvo, Bunchuk, Yednist, and Smuhlianka gave small outputs of large seed fractions; these cultivars had a high density of productive stems with small but well-filled kernels. When separating seeds of these cultivars, sieves with holes of 2.2 x 20 mm should be used to achieve a high output of certified seeds. Seeds of cvs. Statna, Vyhadka, Fermerka, Doridna, Roskishna, and Haiok should be separated on sieves with holes of 2.5 x 20 mm. High yields were harvested from cultivars with both high and low outputs of large seeds, i.e., the linear dimensions of the caryopsis, thousand kernel weight, and outputs of seeds of different fractions cannot be considered as determinants of yielding capacity; however, they should be taken into account when one chooses parameters of seed separation and sorting.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) QUERCUS PETRAEA LIEBL. IN THE RIVNE REGION 2024-02-26T11:24:27+02:00 A. V. Lysytsya R. I. Savchuk <p>Quercus petraea (or sessile oak) is a typical representative of the flora of the mountainous regions of Central Europe. The e astern limit of the area of the rock oak, in particular within the borders of Ukraine, is not clearly traced. The results of our own long-term research on the distribution of the sessile oak in the Rivne region are presented in this work. In fact, this is the eastern border of the range (southern Rivne region). We used the forestry and taxation method during the establishment of a trial area, as well as silviculture - during the survey of the natural renewal of rock oak, selection – during the study of the selection and genetic resource on the objects of the permanent forest seed base, and soil science methods. We evaluated the genetic resources of the oak primeval forest of Mosty Forestry, we also studied the features and proposed ways to optimize the processes of natural and artificial regeneration. Proposals were formulated regarding ways to expand the area of oak forests. These areas can be increased on the territory of Mosty Forestry in the future to 4.000 hectares. This oak tract is currently a solid massif with an area of 210 hectares and it is adjacent to the Ostroh passing valley. Fresh silver hornbeam with sessile oak is located on elevated remains. Normal plantations of this species are actually found here. The tops of the remains are covered by 1–3-meter deposits of Neogene oolites limestones of the Sarmatian Sea. Limestones, in turn, are covered with sand and sandy sediments from the bottom of the valley. We determined the agrochemical and physicochemical characteristics of the sod-slightly podzolic soil samples in the surveyed area. It is a medium-underlying eluvium of hard carbonate rocks (oolites limestones) under an age-old oak forest. The soil erosion present here promotes the growth of sessile oak and its hybrid forms with pedunculate oak. We determined the share of sessile oak (82%) and its hybrids (18%) in the stand based on external characteristics (by the shape of the trunk bark). The result of the study is also the tax indicators of this area and the distribution of the sessile oak sample by trunk diameter. The high-quality plantations in the area of the Mosty Forestry surveyed by us are a genetic reserve of sessile oak with several dozen "plus trees".</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) SELECTION OF SUBSTRATES AND MICROBIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS FOR EFFECTIVE CULTIVATION OF LEEK CASSETTE SEEDLINGS FOR THE CONDITIONS OF THE FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE 2024-02-26T11:24:24+02:00 H. Ya. Slobodianyk A. Н. Ternavskyi <p>Due to the long growing season, leeks in the forest-steppe of Ukraine are grown mainly by the seedling method. The yield of onion vegetable plants will be higher with the cassette method of growing seedlings. The advantage of cassette seedlings is the possibility of mechanized planting with seedling planting machines. Substrates of different composition, quality and cost are offered for growing vegetable seedlings. A number of physiologically active preparations with different mechanisms of action are popular in vegetable growing, environmentally friendly and affordable. The technology of growing leek cassette seedlings needs to be improved in terms of selecting a substrate for low-capacity cells and optimizing the nutritional conditions of young plants in a limited root volume. The article presents a comparative characterization of the effect of such substrates as universal Generous soil and peat Klasmann TS1 (factor A) on the quality of leek cassette seedlings. The effectiveness of supplementing substrates with microbiological preparations Azotophyte (5 g kg-1) and Mycofriend (5 g kg-1) (factor B) was also evaluated. In the field experiment, the yield of leeks was determined depending on the technology of growing seedlings. Improvement of the substrate for filling the cassettes with microbiological additives Azotophyte and Mycophriend accelerates the formation of leek seedlings by 2–3 days. Based on the studies, it was found that the type of substrate and microbiological preparations significantly influenced the development of the root system of seedlings, the share of which was 29–35 % of the total plant weight. The largest leaf surface (11.32 cm2 plant-1) and total weight (1.73 g plant-1) were obtained when growing cassette seedlings on Klasmann TS1 peat substrate with the introduction of Azotophyte + Mycofriend. However, the type of substrate (factor A) and the interaction of factors A×B did not have a significant effect on such indicators as the raw weight of seedlings on the 10‑th day, the number of leaves, the leaf surface area of seedlings at the time of planting and the marketable weight of leeks. Microbiological additives had a significant and reliable effect on the yield of leeks. The use of Mycofriend was less effective compared to the introduction of Azotophyte into the substrate. On average, over two years, the variation in leek yield was insignificant, with a coefficient of variation – 4 %. As a result, the highest yield was obtained after the combined use of Azotophyte + Mycophriend – 38.3 t ha-1 on the Klasmann TS1 substrate and 37.6 t ha-1 on the Generous Land substrate.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) EXPERIENCE IN GROWING AND GENETIC POTENTIAL OF QUINOA 2024-02-26T11:24:21+02:00 N. V. Trotsenko <p>The article highlights the peculiarities of quinoa as a promising crop for cultivation in Europe and Ukraine. Recently, there has been a differentiation of the food market due to the production of less common plants as a promising high-quality source of food. A deeper understanding of these crops and their potential role will help to secure the future and meet the food and nutritional needs of society. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is considered to be one of the most promising species in addressing food security challenges in the 21st century due to its increased resistance to extreme environmental conditions and high potential yields Quinoa can be used for crop diversification and as an alternative one for the development of marginal agricultural land. The genetic potential of the quinoa crop is part of the cultural heritage, and its preservation is the responsibility of genetic banks in many countries. The growing demand for dietary and organic products has contributed to the cultivation of quinoa outside the region of its origin – South America. The possibilities and prospects of quinoa growing in Europe have been proven by many studies. Based on results of quinoa introduction on the European continent, a basic model of breeding and technological modernisation of the crop has been formed; it takes into account such aspects as photoperiod, sowing, and weed control. The introduction of quinoa in Ukraine is concentrated mainly in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya regions. The varietal potential of quinoa in Ukraine is ensured by the presence of three registered varieties oriented to the Steppe (Olymp), Forest-Steppe and Polissya zones (Quartet, Komyza). The yield level declared by the originators ranges from 1.1 to 2.4 t/ha. Sumy NAU has developed a basic technology for growing the crop in the Forest-Steppe zone (Kvartet and Komyza varieties). Critical links (requiring breeding and technological enhancement) in the technology of quinoa growing in the region have been identified. The e process success of spreading quinoa in Ukraine is constrained by the low level of consumption and a set of technological factors. Breeding modernisation can be an important step in solving the problems of introducing the crop in Ukraine by improving the consumer characteristics of it and increasing the level of variety resistance to native pests.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) OROBANCHE CUMANA WALLR. IN CROPS OF HELIÁNTHUS ANNUUS 2024-02-26T11:24:18+02:00 S. H. Khablak V. M. Spychak <p>The research is aimed at finding and developing effective technologies to protect sunflower from the aggressive flower parasite Orobanche cumana Wallr. From the northern Steppe of Ukraine, the broomrape is actively moving to the central, northern and western regions of the country. The aim of the research was to establish the racial composition of the sunflower broomrape population in the Forest Steppe and Polissya. The object of research in the vegetation experiment was broomrape seeds. Samples of the parasite seeds were collected on some of the most infected sunflower fields in the Forest- Steppe and Polissya. Sunflower hybrids P63LL06, P64LC108 (XF 6003), P64LL125 (XF 13406), P63LE113 (XF 9026), P64HH106 (XF 13707), PR 64F66, P64LE25 (SX 9004), P64LE99 (XF 9002) were used to identify broomrape races. Sunflower hybrids were evaluated for resistance to broomrape in soil culture using a modified method and the roll method of seed germination. The racial composition of broomrape on sunflower crops in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine was studied. Differentiation of sunflower hybrids grown by resistance to the parasite was carried out. The sunflower hybrid P63LL06, tolerant to race E, was severely affected by broomrape. On average, there were 12 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. Sunflower hybrids P64LC108 (XF 6003), P64HH106 (XF 13707), PR 64F66, resistant to race G, were slightly affected by broomrape. On average, there were 2-3 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. The hybrids P64LL125 (XF 13406), P63LE113 (XF 9026), P64LE25 (SX 9004), resistant to race E + system 2, were infected with broomrape to an average extent. On average, there were 4-6 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. No sunflower hybrids with complete immunity to broomrape were found. It has been established that the broomrape population parasitizing sunflower fields has a high degree of virulence that overcomes the immunity of the best foreign-bred hybrids resistant to E, F and G races of this parasite. The emergence of new very aggressive races of broomrape (E, F, G and H) in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya indicates an important need to solve the problem of creating breeding material resistant to new races of this parasitic plant, studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of sunflower resistance to the pathogen. Based on the research, the reasons for the widespread spread of broomrape in the fields in the central, northern and western regions of the country were summarized. Some details of the emergence of cellular and molecular mechanisms of sunflower resistance to broomrape are considered.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) THE ASSESSMENT OF ONTOGENETIC AND VITALITY STRUCTURES OF POPULATIONS OF LATHYRUS VERNUS (L.) BERNH IN THE GÖTTINGEN FOREST (LOWER SAXONY, GERMANY) 2024-02-26T11:24:14+02:00 N. P. Yaroshenko <p>In today's world, the issues of biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation are closely interconnected. They involve the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preventing the loss of forest resources in individual regions and the planet as a whole. In this context, understanding the characteristics and patterns of populations of forest plants, including those forming the herbaceous layer, becomes crucial. The purpose of this publication was to establish and analyze the ontogenetic and vitality structures of populations of Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh in the forest phytocenoses of the Göttingen Forest, located in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. Six populations were studied, which grew in phytocenoses differing in age, management practices, and nature conservation regimes. The ontogenetic and vitality structures of L. vernus populations were studied according to commonly accepted approaches. Vitality analysis indicated that all studied populations of L. vernus are balanced, with a quality index (Q) ranging from 0.2000 to 0.3000. Primary forests showed the least representation of individuals with the highest vitality level, accounting for 20.0–23.3%. In old forests under forest management, their share is 1.4–2.4 times higher, ranging from 33.3% to 56.7%. It was found that all studied populations have incomplete ontogenetic structures. Four populations have well-defined centered spectra, characterized by the predominance of generative individuals. In general, in terms of ontogenetic structure, populations showed significantly greater differences compared to vitality structure, with variations in the values of the regeneration index from 8.82% to 60.0%, generativity from 33.33% to 82.35%, and aging index from 0 to 38.24% (according to I.M. Kovalenko). Against the background of forest management application, a significant increase in the range of values for regeneration and generativity indices was recorded, and, as a result, the representation of populations of different ontogenetic types: young, transitional, mature. Populations from primeval phytocenoses were exclusively "mature." The objectively established facts about the vitality and ontogenetic structure confirm that L. vernus is a species sensitive not only to changes in ecologo-cenotic features of phytocenoses but also to the forest management system and the peculiarities of protection regimes implemented in primeval forests. The results of the assessment of ontogenetic and vitality structures indicate that the conditions of the Göttingen Forest, located in southern Lower Saxony, Germany, are favorable for the formation and functioning of L. vernus populations.</p> 2023-12-27T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c)