Assessment of resistance of new varieties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to damage by main insects-phytophages in the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


Determining the risks associated with a high degree of damage to new varieties of hemp is relevant to ensure effective control of phytophages at all stages of cultivation. The aim of the research is to study the biological resistance of new varieties of hemp to the main phytophagous insects in the north-eastern forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.

The research was conducted in 20192020 on the natural background of hemp plant population by pests according to generally accepted entomology methods in the field of the scientific and experimental base of the Institute of Agriculture of the North-east of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, located in the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The material for the research was new hemp varieties of Ukrainian selection, namely Hlesiia, Hloba, Lara and Sula, which were compared with the standard variety Hliana.

Weather conditions in the years of research has significant difference between themselves. Thus, the vegetation period of 2019 was characterized by an extreme deficit of precipitation against the background of higher temperatures, which contributed to the formation of high population density of major pests in the study areas and significant damage to hemp plants throughout the growing season. 2020 was marked by higher temperatures with moderate humidity. Heavy rainfall, which exceeded the average long-term norm by 1.7 times and the average daily temperature was 2.0 °C lower in May, restrained the going out of phytophagous insects from wintering grounds, which reflected in less damage to feed plants in the initial stages of organogenesis.

It was found that in the conditions of the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during 20192020 the main species of pests in the hemp field were: hemp flea beetle (Psylliodes attenuatа Koch, 1803) – 71.5 % of the total of phytophages in the herbage, sunflower tumbling-flower beetle (Mordellistena parvula Gyllenhal, 1827) – 3.20 %, beet leaf aphid (Aphis fabae Scopoli, 1763) – 0.75 % and еuropean corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner, 1796) – 0.06 %. It was investigated that the varietal characteristics of hemp plant affect the level of damage by dominant phytophagous insects. Thus, the plants of the Hloba variety had a significantly lower level of damage by the hemp flea beetle P. attenuata (Koch, 1803) and were distinguished by a high level of resistance to other main phytophages. The greatest damage and population of hemp plants by dominant phytophages was noted for late-ripening variety Lara and somewhat less for Sula variety. The obtained research results will be used in the development of a modern environmentally-oriented system of hemp protection, as well as in the search for mechanisms of resistance to insect pests in the further breeding process.


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How to Cite
Pivtoraiko, V., & Kabanets, V. (2020). Assessment of resistance of new varieties of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to damage by main insects-phytophages in the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 39(1), 64-70.