Keywords: potatoes, complex interspecific hybrids, varieties, hybrid seeds, self-pollination seeds, seed germination energy, laboratory germination


The article presents the results of the study of germination energy of hybrid seeds with the participation of complex interspecific hybrids and their self-pollination and varieties, as well as laboratory similarity performed at Sumy National Agrarian University in 2018. In separate blocks of combinations with the participation of the same parental form, a significant effect on the germination energy of hybrid seeds of crossbreeding components has been proved. For example, among the four combinations with pollinator interspecific hybrid of Belarusian selection 212.110-12, the difference in the manifestation of the indicator was 15.2 % with the least expression in combinations with maternal forms 83.58s52 and 85.291s12, respectively, self-pollination of four-species hybrid and single backcross hybrid. The difference in seed germination energy in five combinations with the pollinator of S. andigenum was 16.1 %, but in four (except for the use of the mother form of a single backcross of the six-species hybrid 86.96s32) it was 9.9 %. Similar data to the above were obtained in four combinations with the participation of the pollinator interspecific hybrid of Belarusian selection 212.31-10. The specific influence of crossbreeding components on the germination of hybrid seeds within 5–9 days was revealed. The best results were obtained among seeds with origin 86.96s32 x S. andigenum – 28.3 %. They were quite high in three more populations involving the species. The exception was the use of the mother form of double backcross sixspecies hybrid 89.721s81 – 9.2 %. In 54.1 % of combinations, the laboratory germination of seeds was 90 % or more with the maximum manifestation of the hybrid seed Shchedryk x Podoliya – 96.8 %. In another population with the participation of the mentioned maternal form also obtained high results – 95.4 %. The highest energy of seed germination from self-pollination was found in the variety Irbytska (90.8 %) and interspecific hybrids 81.436s4 and 81.1546s103 – 90.0 % each. The opposite was true for the Anika variety (76.0 %) and the onetime backcross of the six-species hybrid 85.291s12 (77.2 %). The maximum laboratory germination had seeds from selfpollination of Mezhyrichka variety – 96.0 % and four-species hybrid 81.1546с103 – 97.5 %. It was found that in terms of germination energy, hybrid seeds yielded to self-pollinated varieties by 6.0 %, and interspecific hybrids – by 5.2 %, and in terms of laboratory germination, it was 3.7 and 3.1 %, respectively. Only in some combinations: 90.691 / 21 x Svitanok kyivskiy, 81.397s50 x 212.31s10 and 891.1546s103 seed germination energy was higher than in seeds from self-pollination. At the same time, in the population of 83.58s52 x 212.110-12, the difference was the largest and negative – 16.1 %. Regarding the laboratory germination of seeds in only two combinations: 90.691 / 21 x Svitanok kyivskiy and 81.397s50 x 212.31-10 the difference with the material from self-pollination was positive, although with a small difference – 0.2 %.


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How to Cite
Podhaiyetskiy, A. A., Shapoval, R. M., & Kravchenko, N. V. (2022). GERMINATION ENERGY AND FIELD SIMILARITY OF POTATO SEEDS FROM CROSSING AND SELF-POLLINATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 45(3), 38-44.