Keywords: soft wheat, metabolically active substances, PEG 6000, assimilation surface area, chlorophyll a and b.


Wheat one of the most important agricultural crops in the world, the production of which is important for mankind. In Ukraine, Triticum aestivum L. ranks first among grain crops. It occupies more than 6 million hectares, which is more than 22% of all grain crops. Among all the natural factors that negatively affect the physiological processes of growth and development of wheat and lead to a decrease in productivity, there is a water deficit caused by drought. Questions regarding the study of the drought resistance of grain crops are relevant, as they are focused on the study of plant reactions to water stress and the implementation of methods of increasing plant resistance to drought. One of these methods is the use of metabolically active substances that increase the resistance of grain crops to various adverse factors, including drought. Metabolically active substances are part of many growth stimulants and other preparations for plants. New properties of metabolically active substances and their prospects for further use are studied every year. The use of metabolically active substances makes it possible to better reveal the plant’s potential, increase stress resistance and, as a result, increase the productivity of agricultural crops. The article provides a comparative description of the influence of metabolically active substances and their combinations on the formation of the assimilation surface, the content of green photosynthetic pigments in common wheat seedlings under conditions of water deficit, simulated using PEG 6000. It was established that pretreatment of seeds with solutions of paraoxybenzoic acid (POBА), ubiquinone – 10, magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) and the combination of vitamin E + paraoxybenzoic acid (POBА) + methionine + magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) helps to increase the assimilation surface area of wheat seedlings by 17.7%, 16.5%, 16.2% and 12.1%, respectively, compared to the area of the assimilation surface of seedlings whose seeds were in conditions of water deficit, simulated using PEG 6000. Treatment of seeds with a solution of ubiquinone - 10 and a combination of vitamin E + ubiquinone – 10 stimulated the synthesis of chlorophyll in wheat leaves by 14.4% and 15.4%, respectively, compared to the group of plants whose seeds were germinated under conditions of slow water supply. Treatment of seeds with metabolically active substances contributes to the preservation of optimal hydration of tissues by increasing the xeromorphism of leaves and can be used as elements of the technology of growing grain crops in conditions of water deficit.


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