The influence of the bull genotype on economically useful traits of ukrainian dairy breeds
Influence of the Bull genotype on the formation of the main economically useful traits of first-calf cows of Ukrainian Black-and-White and Red-and-White dairy breeds was researched under conditions of «Ivnytsia» LLC, Andrushevsky district, Zhytomyr region. A set of features was used for the analysis, including exterior-constitutional parameters, indicators of milk productivity and reproductive capacity. In the herd, the desired type of animal is selected according to the total production of milk fat and protein. Comparison of offspring of different breeders was carried out both in absolute value of this indicator and in accordance with the complex of traits to the parameters of animals of the desired type. According to the production of milk fat and protein of daughters , the bulls-enhancers of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed are arranged in the following descending order: Modesto(341,5 kg), Blackout (332,9 kg), Lobby (331,0 kg), Izium (314,2 kg), Ashmore (309,5 kg), Twister (305,6 kg), Zanardi (289,2 kg). Best suited to the desired type are Blackout and Modesto daughter complexes (mean deviation was -0,12 and -0,40 respectively), Ashmore, Izium and Twister got an average result (-0,57 and -0,56) and the worst one Zanardi and Lobby had (-0,87 and -0,78). According to the production of milk fat and protein of daughters, the bulls-enhancers of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed are arranged in the following descending order: Kanstler (347,4 kg), Samba (316,3 kg), Fountain (316,2 kg), Lukka (304,7 kg), Manix (303,4 kg). Best suited to the desired type are Kanstler and Samba daughters (mean deviation was -0,38 and -0,35 perspectively), Lukka, Manix and Fountain got worse result (-0,59 to -0,53). It is established that the effects of genotype on the live weight of the first-calf cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed is 16,6%, the body weight are 9,3-11,2, the milk yield is -10,4, the milk fat is -6,9,the milk protein is -9,4, the age of the first calving is 9,8, the duration of the service period is 9,5%; the economically useful traits of the first-calf cows Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed are slightly weaker, accounting for 11,3%, respectively; 5,7-12,7; 10,2; 5,4; 8,6; 4,9; 2,3%.
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