Keywords: breed, average daily growth, live weight, chemical composition, muscle tissue, total moisture, ash, protein, fat


The article examines the results of the study of the main indicators of the chemical composition (content of total moisture, dry matter, intramuscular fat, protein and ash) of the longest back muscle of pigs of different genotypes of two weight conditions (100 and 120 kg). The research was carried out on a purebred herd of pigs of different productivity lines: group I – large white breed (VB), group II – Mirgorod breed (M), group III – Poltava meat breed (PM), group IV – landraсе breed (L), V group – red and white-belted breed (ChBP). Feeding was carried out at three levels: average daily gains – 250–350 g (typical level), 600–800 g (medium level) and 800-1000 g (intensive level). The results of research into the chemical composition of the longest muscle of the back confirmed the fact that such indicators as the content of protein and fat in the meat are determined primarily by the breed factor. As pigs age, the moisture content in muscle tissue decreases. With average daily gains of 250–350 g, no significant difference was determined between the indicators of the amount of protein, which fluctuated at the level of 19.88–19.93% for the pre-slaughter weight of 100 kg and 18.08–19.43% for 120 kg. To a certain extent, low live weight gains did not allow the genetic potential of pigs of different genotypes to manifest. With average daily gains of 600-800 g, the amount of moisture in the meat was within the physiological norm, and no statistically significant difference was found between the groups of pigs in terms of this indicator. The fat content in the meat of fat pigs was significantly higher – 3.12 and 3.98%, than in experimental animals of meat breeds both at pre-slaughter live weight of 100 kg and 120 kg. With average daily gains of 800–1000 g, it was established that the meat of animals obtained from meat genotypes had a higher protein content and a lower fat content. With an increase in pre-slaughter live weight from 100 to 120 kg in the meat of animals of all studied genotypes, a tendency to increase the content of intramuscular fat due to a decrease in the content of moisture and protein was observed.


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How to Cite
BirtaH. О., Burhu, Y. G., Kotova, Z. Y., & Levoshko, N. V. (2024). INFLUENCE OF GENOTYPE AND PRE-SLAUGHTER WEIGHT ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PIG MEAT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 11-15.