Keywords: breed, breeding method, crossing, hybridization, sow, piglet, reproductive capacity


The aim of this study was to compare the productivity and efficiency of piglet rearing when using Great White and Landrace sows of English origin for pure breeding, crossbreeding and hybridization under the conditions of an industrial complex. It was found that F1 sows of English origin from the combination of maternal breeds ♀LW×♂L and ♀L×♂LW, when inseminated with semen from boars of the synthetic parent line РIС337, had an advantage over purebred animals of maternal lines of the Great White and Landrace breeds of the same origin in terms of: total number of piglets born by – 2.7–4.7%; multiple fertility by 1.7–3.8%, high fertility by 4.7–10.3%; piglet nest weight at birth by 8.6–12.2%, number of piglets at weaning by 0.0–3.4% and piglet litter weight at weaning by 5.4–11.5%; average daily gains in the suckling period by 6.8–9.5%; absolute gains at this time by 5.7–7.1% and average weight of a piglet at weaning by 5.5–7.7%, which is caused by the manifestation of true heterosis. They also had an advantage in terms of comprehensive indices of reproductive qualities: IVY by 2.2–3.0%, SIVYAS by 4.1–4.9% and SZFTV by 0.1–3.4%. In comparison with the analogues of the parent line РИС337, the sows of the same hybrid combinations outperformed the latter in terms of: the total number of piglets at birth by 24.2–25.75%, the number of piglets born alive by 31.9–33.0, the nest weight of piglets at birth by 25.5–28.2%, the number of piglets at weaning by 21.9–23.4%, the weight of the litter of piglets at weaning by 8.0–11.1%. At the same time, the purebred piglets of the РIС337 line outperformed their hybrid counterparts in terms of average daily growth by 10.2–11.8%, absolute growth by 11.5–12.7% and average weight of a piglet at weaning by 10.0–11.4%. The advantage according to the comprehensive indices of reproductive qualities was found in hybrid piglet nests by 18.5–19.2% for IVY; SIVYAS by 26.1–26.4% and SZFTV by 0.17–3.48%. When comparing the reproductive qualities of sows of the same hybrid combinations with those of the dam breeds during their direct and backcrossing, the superiority of the hybrid litters of piglets was found in terms of: the nest weight at weaning by 0.22–2.97%; average daily gains in the subsucking period by 5.42–9.06%;%, according to the complex indices of reproductive qualities: IVY by 0.33–0.66%; SIVYAS by 2.71–3.02% and SZFTV by 1.40–2.54%. A comparison of the productivity of Great White and Landrace sows in purebred and direct and reciprocal crossbreeding showed a significantly higher number of non-viable piglets in the crossbred nests of 13.4–25.6% compared to the purebred nests. The advantage of the latter was 1.2–2.8% for the total number of piglets born, 3.9–7.9% for high fertility, 5.9–7.9% for the litter weight of piglets at birth, 0.5–3.2% for the number of piglets at weaning, – 3.4–4.8%, and the weight of the nest at this time – 3.9–8.1%, the average daily gains – 4.0–4.8% and the absolute growth of piglets in the post-weaning period – 3.3–4.0%, the complex indices of IVY – 1.5–2.3% and SIVYAS – 1.9–2.8%. At the same time, there was no difference in fertility, piglet survival to weaning and the complex index SZFTV. When comparing the productivity of sows during the hybridization of the genotype ♀LW×♂L and ♀L×♂LW of sperm-inseminated terminal boars, no significant difference was found in terms of the main indicators of reproductive capacity between animals of these combinations, but a trend towards improvement, high fertility by 3.0% was observed, litter weight of piglets at weaning by 2.9% and its weight at birth by 2.2% and survival of piglets by 2.0% in crossbred sows of the combination ♀L×♂LW for insemination with the sperm of boars of the terminal line compared to analogues of ♀LW ×♂L inseminated with the sperm of the same boars. It has been shown that direct and reciprocal crossbreeding of mother breeds can increase the cost of a piglet at weaning by 3.9–4.8% and piglet nests by 4.8–7.7% compared to the original forms. Hybridization increased the market value of a piglet by 5.2–7.3% and the litter by 4.9–10.6% compared to the purebred parent breed. At the same time, the cost of a hybrid piglet compared to the parent breed was 11.5–13.2% lower than the purebred counterpart, but the cost of hybrid litters was 7.4–10.3% higher than purebred piglets.


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How to Cite
Voshchenko, I. B., & Povod, M. G. (2024). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF BREEDING PIGS OF MATERNAL AND PATERNAL LINES UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 33-47.