Keywords: organoleptic, physicochemical, sanitary indicators, toxic elements, falsification, quality and safety


The purpose of the review was to provide a veterinary and sanitary evaluation of honey and other beekeeping products according to quality and safety indicators in the light of modern research to ensure consumer safety. A big problem today is the decrease in the protective functions of the body of the population of Ukraine, the increase in oncological, cardiovascular and other diseases, which is associated with a decrease in the activity of the antioxidant system due to the influence of poor nutrition, stress (war), environmental pollution with radioactive and other harmful substances. Antioxidants of natural or artificial origin are able to bind excess free radicals and prevent the accelerated oxidation of lipids and the formation of unwanted oxidation products, thus strengthening the body's protective functions. The best sources of natural antioxidants are bee products. Honey contains a significant amount of enzymes, phenols, organic acids and flavonoids. There are especially many antioxidants in dark varieties of honey. Scientifically confirmed antibacterial properties of beekeeping products: honey, propolis, bee venom, perga, royal jelly, bee pollen. However, beekeeping products have high adsorption properties, and therefore can be potentially dangerous for human health due to the accumulation of harmful substances in the soil, water and air and antibacterial drugs used to treat bees. A great danger is the use in crop production of drugs of systemic action that can accumulate in pollen and nectar. Since the price of honey is 5-10 times higher than that of sugar, it is often subject to falsification. Therefore, its quality and safety are among the national priorities of any state. In order to ensure the production of safe honey and beekeeping products, their competitiveness on the foreign market and the trust of domestic consumers in the period of man-made environmental pollution, it is necessary to carry out strengthened veterinary and sanitary control at all levels – from production, storage, supplier-procurement to the retail consumer, to carry out monitoring research, which is an important component of food security. A systematic review of domestic regulatory documentation for beekeeping products, which needs optimization, is relevant.


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101. Kotelevich V.A., PhD, Associate Professor, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
102. Huralska S.V. Doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, Polissia National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
103. Honcharenko V.V., PhD, Associate Professor, Polissia National University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
How to Cite
Kotelevych, V. A., Huralska, S. V., & Honcharenko, V. V. (2024). VETERINARY AND SANITARY ASSESSMENT OF HONEY AND OTHER BEEKEEPING PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO QUALITY AND SAFETY INDICATORS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 48-58.