Keywords: heavy metals, pollinators, bee pollen, perga, insoluble fraction


In recent years, due to the deterioration of the environment, increased requirements have been put forward in relation to the quality and safety of beekeeping products. Keeping bee colonies in the zone of industrial pollution or near major transport routes negatively affects the quality of beekeeping products. Harmful substances such as heavy metals can get into the nectar and pollen that bees use to make honey and other products. This may have a negative impact on the quality and safety of these products for consumers. It is important to implement pollution reduction strategies in individual regions and to control production in areas where environmental pollution is possible. The purpose of the study was to study the intensity of accumulation of cadmium and lead in bee honey and comb and in the insoluble fractions of these products. The obtained research results show a certain dependence of the content of lead and cadmium in bee honey and comb produced in the same environmental conditions. The highest content of these toxicants was found in this product from herbaceous pollinators, white clover and dandelion, and the lowest content from woody pollinators (Tatar maple, hawthorn, linden). Differences in the content of lead and cadmium in the insoluble fraction of bee pollen were revealed depending on the botanical origin of the nectaries. In bee honey and its insoluble fraction, a higher content of heavy metals was recorded from white clover and dandelion compared to hawthorn, Tatar maple and small-leaved linden. The largest share of lead relative to the total content of heavy metals was found in the insoluble fraction of bee pollen from dandelion, cadmium – from white clover. The least lead and cadmium-contaminated samples were made from Tatar maple. The highest content of lead was found in perga and its insoluble fraction from the pollen of garden nectarines, winter rapeseed, hawthorn, dandelion, cadmium – from sunflower and white burdock.


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How to Cite
Razanov, O. S., Kapriza, V. O., & Teslia, D. M. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAD AND CADMIUM IN THE INSOLUBLE FRACTION OF BEE DUMP AND PERGA. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 86-90.