Keywords: boars, sperm, spermatozoa, zinc chelate, prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis


In increasing the reproductive capacity of boars and sows, the leading role belongs to zinc, which ensures a normal level of the antioxidant protection system and their growth and development processes. This microelement in the form of chelates is more accessible to the body than from inorganic compounds, which requires further research in the direction of normalized feeding of pigs. The aim of the study was to find out the specifics of the influence of zinc on the quality of sperm production of boars and peroxidation processes in boars during the period of heat stress. For the experiment, 15 boars of the Large White breed, similar in age, live weight and quality of sperm production, were selected, from which 3 groups of animals with 5 heads each were formed: I (control) and E1, E2 (experimental). The boars were fed according to feed standards. The diet of the animals of the I(C) group remained unchanged, groups E1 and E2 were with the addition of zinc by 5 and 10%, respectively, higher than the norm. The effect of heat stress in boars worsens the quality of sperm production – the volume of ejaculate decreases (Р<0.001), the concentration of sperm (Р<0.05), the number of live spermatozoa in the ejaculate (Р<0.001). The addition of zinc chelated form to the diet of boars by 5% more than the norm increases the volume of ejaculate: on the 45th day by 16.5% (Р<0.001) and on the 60th day – by 21.4% (Р<0.001). The consumption of the maximum dose of zinc in the form of chelate by boars reduces the quality indexes of sperm production: sperm concentration (Р<0.001), number of sperm (Р<0.05), number of live sperm in ejaculate (Р<0.001) during the period of heat stress. Such changes occur against the background of acceleration of lipid peroxidation processes in blood of boars, especially in those that received the maximum dose, which is manifested in an increase in the concentration of diene conjugates and TBC-active complexes. A peculiarity of the dynamics of the activity of the zinc-containing enzyme – superoxide dismutase in blood of boars during the period of heat stress was a decrease by 30.2% (Р<0.001) in animals that consumed 5% zinc chelate for 45 days, and under the condition of consuming 10% of this microelement, its level increased by 21.4% (Р<0.01). It should be noted that in animals that consumed the maximum dose (10%) of the microelement, the activity of this enzyme probably increased after the end of the main and final periods. At the same time, the level of SOD in the animals of the experimental groups on the 60th day of the main period was higher by 13.2% (E1) and by 31.6% (Р<0.001) (E2) compared to the intact group.


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How to Cite
Sarnavska, I. V. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF ZINC ON THE QUALITY OF SPERM PRODUCTION OF BOARS UNDER THE EFFECTS OF HEAT STRESS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 105-110.