• R. Yu. Butenko
Keywords: heavyweight pigs, market, development, housing, feeding, breeding


The main purpose of this article is to introduce and analyze the current trends and prospects for the development of largescale pigs in Ukraine, as an important component of the pig industry in our time. An analysis of key trends in pig farming has been conducted, various approaches and technologies aimed at improving the level and quality of large pig production have been studied. This work highlights the importance of improving the genetic resources of pigs, improving housing and feeding conditions, and implementing modern farm management methods. Special attention is paid to compliance with environmental standards, ensuring proper product quality, and compliance with safety conditions. The article includes economic and market aspects of pig farming and its impact on the socio-economic development of individual regions and the country as a whole. The subject of review on this topic was large pigs, specifically trends in their development in recent years. The material for analysis and research consisted of works by modern experts and scientists in the field of pig farming, who constantly make various proposals for improving pig breeding and farming technology and continuously monitor the industry's development. It is noted that currently, the pig industry is in an uncertain and difficult state due to the continuous action of African swine fever (ASF) and the war. Considering these two aspects, raising large pigs becomes more promising on small and mediumsized commercial farms. However, for the successful development of large-scale pig farming, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies of breeding, feeding, as well as foreign genetics, and at the same time, keep track of innovations that may affect the development of pig farms. Another very important, necessary factor is working on reducing the cost of pork. After all, economics is the basis for conducting any activity, as everyone knows that if the cost of production is higher than the selling price, the development of such a farm will be doomed to failure. The conclusions and recommendations made at the end of the article can be used by various agricultural industry professionals to help analyze the development of largescale pigs in Ukraine, as well as the pig industry as a whole.


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How to Cite
Butenko, R. Y. (2024). MODERN TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LARGE WHITE PIGS IN UKRAINE: FROM MARKET PERSPECTIVES TO GROWING TECHNOLOGIES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 30-35.