Keywords: Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy, Holstein, lifespan, productive use, lifetime productivity


In the selection process of searching for predictors of longevity, the level of relative variability of milk yield for the first lactation and indicators of the duration of productive use and lifetime productivity were studied. Holstein and Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cows were evaluated in the conditions of the herd of the private enterprise "Burynske" of the Podlisniv branch of the Stepaniv community of the Sumy region. First-born cows of the Holstein breed, whose weight per first lactation was in the range of 5001-6000 kg, were used in the herd for the longest 3.7 lactations, with the highest duration of life (2118 days) and productive use (1616 days). With the increase in milk yield of first-born cows above 6001 kg, life expectancy, productive use, and the number of used lactations decreased with a significant difference, respectively, by 163-652 days (Р<0.001), 148-639 days (Р<0.001), and 0.4-1.5 lactation for an unreliable difference. Lifetime indicators of milk yield and milk fat increased along with milk yield for the first lactation and reached the maximum value for milk yield of first-borns of 8001-9000 kg, respectively reaching the level of 24794 and 932.3 kg. Life expectancy, productive use and the number of used lactations of cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed were also the highest in the group of cows with a milk yield of 5001-6000 kg of firstborns. The advantage of cows of this group for the increase in milk yield above 6001 kg was, respectively, in life expectancy with a highly reliable difference of 199-612 days (Р<0.001), in duration of productive use 169-591 days (Р<0.001) and the number of used lactations 0.4-1.4 for a reliable difference. The highest yield and yield of milk fat was also obtained from cows of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed with a milk yield of 8001-9000 kg of firstborns, which exceeded the animals of the other groups by 71-7347 and 1.8-272.2 kg, respectively.


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How to Cite
Kompanets, I. O. (2024). LONGEVITY OF DAIRY COWS DEPENDING ON THE MILK YIELD OF THE FIRST LACTATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2024.2.8