Keywords: Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy, body structure, measurement, correlation, lactation


Studies on the correlative variability of body structure measurements of cows of Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed with amount of milk yield in the dynamics of lactation were conducted in the breeding farms of Chernihiv region breeding breeder of the LLC «Mena-Avangard» of Menskoho and breeding farm of the PSP «Piskivske» in Bakhmatskyi districts. The study of relationship between measurements of the body structure parts and the amount of yield for estimated lactation in the controlled herds showed their significant variability and reliability depending on the herd, age of evaluation and measurement of individual body part. The highest correlation coefficients were found in the first-born cows of the «Piskivske» breeding farm between milk yield and height measurements at the withers and rump (r=0.362 and 0.344), width in hip bones and hip joint (r=0.374 and 0.369) and chest girth behind shoulder blades (r =0.375). Low and negative correlations in first-born cows were between milk yield and chest width behind shoulder blades (r=-0.105) and wrist girth (r=-0.028). At the age of second and third lactation, the level of these indicators changed and was, respectively (r=-0.055 and 0.077) and (r=-0.055 and -0.068). The highest level of phenotypic correlations between body structure measurements of the first-born cows in the LLC «Mena-Avangard» breeding reproducer and milk yield amount in the age dynamics was obtained by height and width measurements: wither height (r=0.345), rump height (r=0.335), width in hip bones (r=0.364), hip joints (r=0.358) and ischial humps (r=0.355). The negative correlation found in experimental herds at the age of first lactation (r=-0.105 and -0.087) and a low positive correlation in older lactations (r=+0.044-0.079) between chest depth and milk yield indicates that milk-type cows have more deep and narrow chests. The established reliable positive correlations between the majority measurements of body parts of the conformation and amount of milk yield indicate that the selection of cows based on these traits will ensure the effectiveness of breeding both in terms of conformation and milk productivity.


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How to Cite
Khmelnychyi, L. M., Suprun, I. O., & Barteneva, L. S. (2024). CORRELATIVE VARIABILITY OF THE MEASUREMENTS OF COWS’ BODY STRUCTURE OF UKRAINIAN RED-AND-WHITE DAIRY BREED WITH THE MILK YIELD AMOUNT IN DYNAMICS OF LACTATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 109-114.

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