Intensity of growth and payment of feed of pigs for different methods of castration

Keywords: pigs, feeding, productivity, castration, growth, growth rate, fattening index


The paper compares the intensity of growth in different age periods, uncastrated and castrated boars with the help of classical surgical and immunological castration. It was found that non-cast pigs had a better feed conversion during the growing-up period with almost equal growth rate. During fattening, the highest intensity of growth until the age of 120 days had uncut casts, and then immunological and surgical castrates. From the 121st to the 165th day, the highest intensity of growth was detected by immunological castrates, further unconstrained sockets and the least intensively growing surgical castrates. During the whole feeding period, immunocastrated males grew most intensively. During the fattening, a difference in growth rate was detected between surgical castrates, immunocastrates, and non-castrated boars. During the fattening period, the feed was best paid for the gain. Immuno-castrated animals that consumed 0.09 kg less 2.8 kg less feed compared to non-cast animals and 11.4% compared to surgical castrates. The quality index had the highest value in immunologically castrated animals 126.7 points, in boars it was 4.2 points or 3.3% lower, and in surgical castrates was 118.3 points, which is less than in immuno castrates by 8, 4 points or 6.6%. Non-castrated piglets during the growing season had better feed conversion with almost equal growth rate. The relative increments in different periods of life in surgical castrates, immunocastrates and boils varied, and were virtually equal throughout the life span. There are no dependence of preservation and growth rate of piglets in the feeding period has been established.


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How to Cite
Povod, M., Shpetniy, M., Mykhalko, O., Zhizhka, S., Анастасія, & Mikhailik, V. (2019). Intensity of growth and payment of feed of pigs for different methods of castration. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(39), 28-36.