Possibility of increasing dairy productivity of cows of Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed due to breeding and technological factors.

Keywords: cow, line, dairy productivity, influence of bull, technology, volatility and phenotypic consolidation.


Given that productivity gains cattle, largely due to the patterns of genotype animals in certain conditions, we found it relevant to connect the bull with the dairy productivity of daughters who produced milk in today's progressive technology and a balanced level of feeding, as well as the impact of technology on variability and consolidation of yield. Research has established that a progressive milk production technology in combination with the breeding value of bull-enhancers provided the cows with the bull daughters B.E. Kenney, B. Patch, V.B. Sekvoy, D. Frosti, L. Marsellus, P. Gilmore, R. Potter, S. D. Lariat, S. Stingand H. Pepper potential yield first lactation more than 7000 kg of milk, and John. A. Diagnostics H. Windbreaker - 8000 kg. Low dairy productivity of daughters of single breeders probably due to the incompatibility of the parental base and the low tribal the value of the bull themselves. Not set clear patterns of increasing milk yield of cows of the second lactation, as compared to the first, depending on the parentage. Highest the realization potential of the second lactation milk was provided to his daughters by the bull J.A. Ping, whose yield within 305 days of lactation made 10898 kg of milk, which is 2624 kg (P>0,99) more the firstborn. A comparative analysis is of the variability of the same yield lines confirmed there is no significant difference between breeding groups within a particular holding a significant difference between herds, which led to the conclusion that there was no impact technologies of milk production for line variability. Defined phenotypic level the consolidation of the line of profit was not evidenced by the homogeneity of most genealogists formations within the herd, but it is recognized that the animals are consolidate don the return does not depend on the adopted technology of milk production, but is due to others factors.


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How to Cite
Zheliznyak , I., Voitenko , S., & Karunna , T. (2019). Possibility of increasing dairy productivity of cows of Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed due to breeding and technological factors . Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(39), 49-56. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2019.4.7