Realization of the productive potential of milk production primary production in the industrial complex

Keywords: firstborn, live weight, lactation, fat, protein.


The article reflects the results of research on the manifestation of the genetic potential of dairy productivity of Holstein firstborn born from mothers in the first, second, third and fourth lactation, in conditions with full compliance with the rules of humane treatment and veterinary and sanitary norms on livestock stock breeding Union ”of Sinelnikov district of Dnipropetrovsk region. The productive qualities of the experimental animals were characterized by live weight (kg), lactation duration (days), milk yield over the entire lactation period, and 305 days lactation (kg) physical and 4% milk. Thus, the duration of the lactation period of the animals of all experimental groups is longer than the value of the reference lactation (305 days). The longest productive period was in animals born to first-born animals 573 days. The functional activity of the organism of the experimental animals, four experimental groups was determined by the highest daily milk yield for full lactation (kg), the amount of physical and in terms of 4% milk received per day for lactation and for 305 days of lactation (kg), and also the amount of milk received per 1 kg of live weight in terms of 4% milk for full and 305 days of lactation (kg). Thus, the highest daily milk yield (45 kg) is characterized by first-born daughters born of mothers of the fourth lactation, which is 5 kg more milk than the daily milk yield of animals of other experimental groups. Characterizing the qualitative milk composition of daughters of Holstein cows in the first lactation, obtained from cows of different ages, it should be noted that it completely corresponded to the breed characteristics, so the mass fraction of fat and protein was at a high level fluctuated within 3.80-3.84% and 3.17-3.21% respectively. The index of production of milk fat and protein in them was 427.89-581.57 kg and 358.39-484.31 kg respectively. It was established that by indicators of full lactation yield and in terms of 305 days, duration of productive period, functional activity of the organism and qualitative characteristics of dairy products, the firstborn born of the mother of the fourth lactation were more productive and stable. Instead, first-borns from second-lactation cows showed the lowest values of the above indicators.


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How to Cite
Kapshuk , N. (2019). Realization of the productive potential of milk production primary production in the industrial complex. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(39), 57-62.