Bull’s role in improving the economic useful traits of their offsprings
The article presents the results of comparing the exterior and constitution, milk productivity, reproductive capacity of daughters of different bulls, and their accordance to the parameters of animals of the desired type in the conditions of PAF "Yerchiki" of the Popilnya district of Zhytomyr region. In general, the studied рукв of PAА «Yerchyky» is represented by a large number of bulls of the four main lines of the Holstein breed. The most numerous by number of offspring along the Chif line are the offspring of the bull Brico 06324 (42 daughters), Hercules 42367 (39 daughters); Starbuck - Licon 80236 (38 daughters); Elevation - R. Sacho 84335 (24 daughters), Siggie 78895 (33 daughters) who were selected for research. The data obtained by us strongly suggest that the genetic influence of the bulls on the manifestation of the exterior-constitutional type of their daughters is present. Daughters of Bull Sigti were distinguished by the best milk type and correspondingly the largest values of trunk dimensions, udder, main and special indices, milk productivity and the best correspondence to the parameters of animals of the desired type. The use of the Siggie bull will further enhance the exterior of his daughters and increase the animal typing of the herd by exterior and increase dairy productivity. Increasing the overall score leads to a straightforward significant increase in the quantitative traits of milk productivity, with an inaccurate decrease in quality. The best quantitative indicators of dairy productivity were the first cows of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed, which by the total estimation are classified in the third group. The daughters of all the bulls are characterized by good, harmonious development, both in width and height measurements of the body structure, but the daughters of all bulls are inferior to the standard Holstein breed in height at the withers and depth of the chest and, accordingly, the index of depth, overall size and index erososomiya. There is an increase in the quantitative indicators of milk from the first to the third lactation, but the intensity of growth of these indicators is significantly due to the origin.
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